Topic: Feature request: Edition owned is [Unknown Edition]

Simple request.  I want to be able to filter my inventory to show only cards where "Edition Owned" is "Unknown Edition."  If there's a way to do this already, I don't know what it is.  I'm not seeing it as an option in the "Edition Owned" dropdown box.

While I'm at it, I might also request that we be able to set foil/promo/etc. flags en masse when importing card lists, like we can already with language, condition, and edition.

I just imported my 150-some-odd promo cards into my inventory, and now I'm going through them all one-by-one, entering which promo "edition" they are and marking them as promo and foil/textless as the case may be.  Since there are so many different "kinds" of promos (Launch Party, Release Events, Prerelease Events, MPR, FNM, WPN/Gateway, Game Day, Media Inserts, etc., etc., etc...), I just set the default value to "Unknown," thinking I would simply be able to filter them that way and see just the ones that still needed fixing.  Sadly, that is not the case, and the best way I've found to sort them all, since I can't just filter by "Unknown Edition," was to sort the inventory by "Added At" which does put the most recent additions at the top.  Problem is, as I edit each one, that changes the "added at" timestamp and kicks it to the top of the list.  It would be much easier if I could filter just the unknown ones, and then as I entered an edition for each one it would be kicked off the list instead of back up to the top, since it would no longer fit the criteria of "unknown edition."

Last edited by IronMagus (2014-09-04 01:02:11)

Re: Feature request: Edition owned is [Unknown Edition]

I know of no way to do this in the inventory

In general, I am blunt and to the point. I apologize in advance if I appear mean or rude.

I am the Community Admin for the CSUN Magic Players Community. I also sometimes help people with technical issues.
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Re: Feature request: Edition owned is [Unknown Edition]

Yep, I thought we'll add this together with a 'edition checklist' type view to sets.

Re: Feature request: Edition owned is [Unknown Edition]

Is this implemented yet? I can't find an option like this... :-/

Re: Feature request: Edition owned is [Unknown Edition]

Kampfsemmel wrote:

Is this implemented yet? I can't find an option like this... :-/

Yep, it's a filter in "More filters" called "No Edition Set"

Re: Feature request: Edition owned is [Unknown Edition]

Thank you Sebi! I used this today to fix all the cards I get in trades that are missing information fields.  In addition would it be possible to add “is promo” to filters? And this could filter cards marked as promo in addition to prerelease-type cards where their set is the promo symbol?
Currently there are filters for foil, signed, misprint, altar and artist proof, but not promo.

Re: Feature request: Edition owned is [Unknown Edition]

Dnemo28 wrote:

In addition would it be possible to add “is promo” to filters? And this could filter cards marked as promo in addition to prerelease-type cards where their set is the promo symbol?

The promo flag is deprecated. It's maintained on the site for old accounts that still use it, but now you no longer need to distinguish between e.g. a prerelease version of a card and the regular version by setting the promo flag. Instead, you'll just add the card with the  edition set to the prerelease edition. If later you need to filter to those promos, you can filter based on "Edition owned".

Note: An exception to this are the recent Buy-a-Box promos, which are listed within the main edition rather than a Buy-a-Box edition, so it's harder to tell at a glance that these cards are promos. It's also harder to filter, because filtering edition owned to e.g. War of the Spark in order to show Tezzeret would also display all your other War of the Spark cards.

@Sebi, it would be nice to have all of the Buy-a-Box promos in their own edition (though keeping the correct collector #).