Topic: Starting new deck, don't want to use existing inventory

New here, and love the software.
I tried searching for an existing post, but I not entirely sure how to ask the question.
When I import / create a new decklist for a new deck I want to build, it let's me know if I have that cards already. So far so good!

However, if the cards I have are already in another deck, is there a way to note that I want to get another copy?

It is a little confusing. It looks like I can click on the card and see its page, then click another link see see if it is in a deck.
This is very time consuming when doing a commander deck, checking every card one by one to see if it is in a deck, and not in storage.

Secondly, and this is perhaps less important, it would be cool if there was a way to note where a card is being stored.
Right now, I have a dummy "decklist" for each of my binders and deckboxes so I know where to look.
Is there a simple way to move a card from one decklist (aka storage location) to another,  or is the only way to again go to the cards individual page and do it manually?

THirdly, perhaps I am not u sing the softwarecorrectly in the first place. I really like it, and using the wishlist for keeping track of the cards I need is super helpful.

Thank you!

Thank you in advance!! If there is already answers to these questions, by all means point me at them.

Re: Starting new deck, don't want to use existing inventory

To summarize, is there a setting to have cards that are already in a deck show up as not available for new decks?

EDIT: I did locate and Uncheck the "I will be sharing cards between decks". I would presume that is what I am looking for, however it doesn't seem to have changed anything.

Perhaps I have to change it from Deck idea to built deck for it to flag I don't have enough copies of a card for all the decks I want it in?

Last edited by shogunmoon (2020-03-31 04:57:25)

Re: Starting new deck, don't want to use existing inventory

Yes, that is what you have to do -- you have to move them to be built decks.  Deckbox will only use built decks as counting against your inventory.  Any card that is in your sideboard will also count against your inventory, but the scratchpad area will not.

The site wasn't built with a way to manage where you inventory might be stored.  People have proposed various schemes, such as being able to tag cards, but so far nothing has been implemented.