Topic: Highlighting changes between proposed trades

When working on a trade with a partner and going back and forth to get the trade where both parties are happy, often small changes are done - removing a single card or swapping a printing/version.  In larger trades, this is almost impossible to detect what was changed.

After User A submits a trade, anything new or changed (Qty. / Set / Condition) is somehow highlighted if User B counters.  This state only needs to be visible until any change is applied by User A.  The system will have to combine multiple changes if User B makes separate proposed changes since the last time User A logged into the trade.

I don't know if it's feasible to do this with changes alone, but at a minimum, this seems feasible when changes are locked with a proposed trade offer.

Re: Highlighting changes between proposed trades

ZombieSleeve wrote:

When working on a trade with a partner and going back and forth to get the trade where both parties are happy, often small changes are done - removing a single card or swapping a printing/version.  In larger trades, this is almost impossible to detect what was changed.

After User A submits a trade, anything new or changed (Qty. / Set / Condition) is somehow highlighted if User B counters.  This state only needs to be visible until any change is applied by User A.  The system will have to combine multiple changes if User B makes separate proposed changes since the last time User A logged into the trade.

I don't know if it's feasible to do this with changes alone, but at a minimum, this seems feasible when changes are locked with a proposed trade offer.

Seconded. I see this a lot, and can't count the number of times I've had a deck stalled out because something was removed from a trade and I didn't catch it. Very much a user issue, but this would be a massive help.