Topic: Update on Tags

Are there any updates on features and estimated release for the Tag functionality?

It would be really great to know what's coming down the pipeline as I'm leaning into Tags heavily but it's starting to have some challenges (I've raised these elsewhere)
- Tags not visible when selecting cards for trades
- Tags disappearing when a trade is initiated (if tagging locations this info is lost when tag is accepted)
- Tag organization (only by date added, no way to group)
- No hover for full tag when using drop downs (similar tags can be impossible to distinguish)
- Tags in decklists

If you're still considering functionality, it would be awesome to see
- tags in wants that could migrate to haves when a trade is received
- ability to quick add/remove tags from Card page

Really exited to see this functionality rolled out.

Re: Update on Tags

Second this.
At present there is some support for tags in decklist but that appears to be completely separate from the tags in the inventory.
As I've requested/mentioned elsewhere I consider tags to be a feature of a card regardless whether it has been added to a deck or not.

The tag feature in decklist allows to group by tag but this only takes the first tag on the note into consideration. I would like to use this to see if I have enough ramp/removal/etc. cards in a deck. For this a card tagged with multiple tags should be counted in all categories.

It would be great to get some idea of the plans for this feature and for more users to be able to add use cases.

Many thanks in advance

Re: Update on Tags

Maybe the ideal fix would be the ability to create tag categories?
I think this is how most software vendors handle it - so something like "Misprint: Miscut" or "Deck: Ramp". Or the ability to mark tags as either deck-based or card-based.

Re: Update on Tags

epiphanyplx wrote:

Maybe the ideal fix would be the ability to create tag categories?
I think this is how most software vendors handle it - so something like "Misprint: Miscut" or "Deck: Ramp". Or the ability to mark tags as either deck-based or card-based.

I feel this is similar to how Google does it in Gmail when it comes to tags. The nice thing is you can search your tags at any level.

I plan to use these tags mostly for storage locations. So you could imagine "set binders:binder 1" in this way I could search for either all cards in set binders or just those in binder 1. Great idea!