Topic: Inventory Miss match
heya, im really new to the site but i noticed after i added all my cards i noticed my total results (176) and my inventory (212) were diffrent i dont have any filters on so its rather confusing. anything helps thank you!
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heya, im really new to the site but i noticed after i added all my cards i noticed my total results (176) and my inventory (212) were diffrent i dont have any filters on so its rather confusing. anything helps thank you!
heya, im really new to the site but i noticed after i added all my cards i noticed my total results (176) and my inventory (212) were diffrent i dont have any filters on so its rather confusing. anything helps thank you!
Results are unique cards (card name, edition, condition, and any other factors - like signed, misprint, etc), but you might have multiple copies of that printing.
So, for instance you have 3 CMD Commander Sphere - this is 3 Inventory but 1 result. Hopefully that helps.