Topic: Legacy Fish

Hey guys, I'm looking for a few more things to finish up my legacy fish deck. I need 3x Standstill, 2x AEther vial, 3x Daze, and 3x cursecatcher. The earliest I could ship stuff out would be next Monday. Let me know if any of you can make a trade!

Re: Legacy Fish

Hey, I've got 3 Dazes I'd be happy to trade you.  I'm looking through your tradelist now, so expect and offer soon. smile

Edit: He's still looking for the Dazes.

Last edited by Zargathe (2012-03-12 00:37:26)

Re: Legacy Fish

Hey I began a trade with you. Do you want to check my list for any of my wants you might not have listed?

Re: Legacy Fish

I sent you a trade. (3x Standstills)

Re: Legacy Fish

I've made trades for everything except:

2x Cursecatcher
2x Daze