Vans wrote:thanks for the different points of view guys. i have a couple of decent rares out of some boosters so far so hopefully that keeps coming. i wanna have a few decks to play with so both options seem decent. i have a couple of friends who drug out their old collections of 2k plus cards so i need a few options. thanks again
I would go with the Deck builders Tool kit. When I got back into it, thats what I got, and it was enough to build around 4 decks, enough for friends to play. Of course it was nothing good enough to bring to FNM, but is an amazing starting point to get the hang of the game. Also, instead of the fat pack I would get a booster box. Fat packs (~40) come with 9 boosters, while the boxes come with 36 (~100). You get more for your money.
Another thing, there are alot of great drafting apps for smart phones, i reccomend getting them and practicing on it. Drafting is a great way to compete without spending lots of money. And its fun