Topic: Card Import Format

Hi, I would like to know if there is an officially documented format for mass importing cards. The format example provided is very basic [QTY] [TITLE] [,TYPE?]

I would like to see import support for the following at the bare minimum as this is what we usually have to enter by hand:

[Count]    [{Foil/Textless/Promo}]    [Name]    [Edition]    [Condition]    [Language]

Hopefully this is a feature already available and I am just not aware yet of the correct format for the import.


Re: Card Import Format

Hello. We haven't got one yet, but it has been requested and discussed a bunch of times, so it's on the "near future" feature list smile

Re: Card Import Format

Is there a workaround for mass-selecting/assigning cards to a specific Edition?

If not, my current workaround is to upload all my cards and then export to Excel. One edition at a time. When you guys do implement a way for me to mass import and include the Edition, I will mass import my whole collection at once.

Thanks for a great website and best wishes for future enhancements. smile

Re: Card Import Format

I would love for that feature to come SOON that should have been a number one thing... Having to change every edition single card at a time is a pain in my rearend..

Re: Card Import Format

I agree. I'm currently putting my whole collection on here - awesome site, by the way - and I just got to my well-used Kamigawa Serpent deck. All of those cards are in Good condition, not Near Mint, and it's a pain to change for every card. That, plus the fact that even if you tab through the controls you can't see where your cursor is, nor can you press enter to submit the card if it's on a drop-down list.

Being able to import them all at once, by text, with card condition, set and all, would be awesome.=)

Re: Card Import Format

Roujo wrote:

I agree. I'm currently putting my whole collection on here - awesome site, by the way - and I just got to my well-used Kamigawa Serpent deck. All of those cards are in Good condition, not Near Mint, and it's a pain to change for every card. That, plus the fact that even if you tab through the controls you can't see where your cursor is, nor can you press enter to submit the card if it's on a drop-down list.

Being able to import them all at once, by text, with card condition, set and all, would be awesome.=)

As to hitting <Enter> to submit, you may just need to hit it one more time.  The first time, it moves the selection from the list to the text box.  The next time you hit <Enter>, it adds the card with the default settings and a quantity of one.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Card Import Format

Roujo wrote:

...That, plus the fact that even if you tab through the controls you can't see where your cursor is...

I also agree that the mass import feature will be great.  In the interim, you can count the tab stops and use the keyboard for many entries/edits.  The only one that requires me to click to use it is the foil/promo list.   Otherwise, I can do the following:

1. Start typing name
2. Hit <Enter> when the correct name appears.
3. If planning to enter more than one edition, <Tab> once and hit <Enter> to add another row.  You may hit <Enter> multiple times to add multiple rows (one for each edition).
3. <Tab> to Qty (if not adding rows, <Tab> twice after the correct name is in place).
4. <Tab> to Edition. Hold the <Alt> key and use the up and down arrow keys to select the edition.
5. <Tab> to Condition. Hold the <Alt> key and use the up and down arrow keys to select the edition.

NOTE: in this field, you can type the first letter of the condition (e.g., "G" for Good), but the change will not appear until you move to the next field [***It would be nice if that could change, so as to function similar to the card entry box.***]

6. <Tab> to Language. Hold the <Alt> key and use the up and down arrow keys to select the edition.

NOTE: in this field, you can type the first letter of some of the languages (e.g., "I" for Italian), but not all languages map to Latin characters.  In addition, changes made using only the first letter will not appear until you move to the next field [***It would be nice if that could change, so as to function similar to the card entry box.***]

7. Hit <Tab>.   If you have multiple rows, it will move you to the Qty field next row. If you have no other rows, it will move you to the Import button.

8. Press <Enter> to add the cards to the database.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Card Import Format

Pretty good idea. I might even macro all of these keys so that I can mass-add Champions of Kamigawa, good-condition cards. Thanks! smile

Re: Card Import Format

Roujo wrote:

Pretty good idea. I might even macro all of these keys so that I can mass-add Champions of Kamigawa, good-condition cards. Thanks! smile

One word of warning--the steps I listed might not work properly across all browsers.  I typically use Chrome (the detail add interface has never worked for me in IE).

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.