Topic: Regular REL events (i.e. Pre-Release, Release, FNM Draft) rules
Citeam astazi articolul de "Cranial Insertion", un articol cu intrebari despre regulile jocului de pe mtgsalvation. Am dat de o intrebare foarte interesanta:
Q: I was playing sealed at the release, and after my first round opponent thrashed me, he offered to look at my sideboard and told me I should've been playing another color. Is it too late to switch now, or will I have to play every game one with a subpar deck and board into my awesome one for game two?
A: Happily you can use your new and improved deck for every game for the rest of the tournament. In limited tournaments that don't use decklists, you can change your deck permanently whenever you want, and at those Regular REL events, it's not cheating to help someone with their deck. Especially at prerelease events where the format's uncertain, my deck I end the tournament with rarely has the same forty cards I started with!
Stiu ca la noi se joaca cu decklist, cel putin in cazul Pre-Release si Release-urilor. Dar la FNM Draft nu jucam cu decklist si mi se pare important sa cunoastem aceasta regula.