Topic: Gamma Ray Burst (Jund casual control-reanimator)

I was tempted to make a twist on the Solar Flare archetype. Since a Solar Flare deck is largely a White-Blue control deck with some black control and reanimator effects tossed in, I wondered if it was possible to make a control-deck-with-reanimator-effects without using either White or Blue. At first I tried for a Black-Green control/reanimator deck, but Damnation is much too expensive of a card and wrath-effects in Green are usually limited to only flying creatures, so I decided to toss in some red so I could use Blasphemous Act to further my control-opportunities. To that respect, I've tossed together some Black, Green and Red cards to see if I could make a Jund-coloured control/reanimator deck without making it too expensive.

I decided that with the Vivid-lands for colour-fixing, I could run Unburial Rites for reanimation without really breaking the spirit of the deck; the White mana-cost is much like running Gutshot in a regular Solar Flare deck.

Link to deckbox

My largest concern is the mana-base of the deck, which I imagine could be quite slow since almost all the lands enter tapped. To that respect, I've considered running some Tainted Wood and Tainted Peak.

Any comments or suggestions?

Re: Gamma Ray Burst (Jund casual control-reanimator)

I would be very interested to hear how well this deck plays, it seems like you havn't really focused on the Reanimation aspect that much, the cards you have are Unburial Rites, Eternal Witness, and Sheoldred, Whispering One, but really Sheoldred is one of the best cards in the deck to reanimate because it's so hard to cast. I think that you should try to drop things like Harmonize and Altar's Reap because you want cards in your graveyard, not your hand.

As a side note why do you have vivid creek in there? Vivid Crag or even Vivid Meadow would make more sense since you have {W} flashback cost in unburial rites.

If lands coming into play tapped is causing you alot of problems Amulet of Vigor is sweet

If you like the way that it's playing I would say keep it how it is, I just like to pick a theme (reanimator in this case) and really stick to it, even if it makes the deck less competitive, again I would love to hear how it's working out and maybe offer some advice on small issues

Re: Gamma Ray Burst (Jund casual control-reanimator)

The Vivid Creek is in the deck because I misspelled Vivid Crag.

Harmonize is certainly one of the cards I've considered dropping, since the 2GG cost is a bit stiff, especially with all the BB costs (though, this is a known deficiency of Solar Flare-type decks.) The idea behind having draw-effects in the deck is that many of those cards I want on my hand in order to respond to my opponents (Hymn to Tourach, Dash Hopes, Bramblecrush, Altar's Reap), and some I want in my graveyard (Sheoldred, Grave Titan), so I want to both draw and self-mill, just as esper Solar Flare decks do.

Unfortunately, Black, Red and Green aren't that big on self-milling, although cards like Faithless Looting and Darkmoor Salvage and other Dredge-cards might help in that respect. The main reason I run Mulch instead of another, better land-fetching card is because I need some way to mill myself at all!

However, so far I haven't had much of a chance to test the deck, so which cards in it are useless and which are not I don't quite know yet.

Re: Gamma Ray Burst (Jund casual control-reanimator)

A few thoughts.

First, if you're wanting self mill, red has put some awesome pieces for that in AVR.  In particular I'm talking about Mad Prophet, Dangerous Wager, and even Reforge the Soul.  Those will help you burn through the deck and drop items into your graveyard. 

Second, since you're running Legacy, some more pieces come into play that could prove useful.  Since Sheoldred, Whispering One could be killed or countered (or worse exiled) herself, you need more than just her to give you that sort of reanimating effect.  If you don't want to splash white, Debtors' Knell will pull that off in enchantment form for you (such that you could even have multiple out at once).  Admittedly it's expensive (both monitarily and mana cost), BUT, think about sitting on two or three of those helping plop everything back out onto the battlefield.  Further, it lets you go into OTHER players' graveyards.

Third, also a legacy card to run with, Living Death could prove hilarious in a long game if you include a creature sacking engine on your side.  Sack everything you have in play and then drop that bomb with all those creatures and everything you've milled. 

Best of luck!