Topic: Review Request - Vampire Deck

Hey guys, I'm going to be trying my hand out in a local tourney for some fun. This is my first time. I was hoping that someone could provide some feedback/thoughts to my deck.

Constructive or destructive criticism welcome as long as it's helpful.


Re: Review Request - Vampire Deck

You have a fair number of good pieces here, but no means of removing enemy creatures.  Where is Feast of Blood?  Why don't you include Urge to Feed?  Essentially what you're going on is straight aggro with no removal, which, I fear will bite you in the end.  Pillar of Flame, Shock or just some simple direct damage could help a ton (especially with one or two Curse of Bloodletting).

Here's a quick search I did that should show some of the options: … !b31!734.3

I'd also suggest knocking your mana curve down some.  You don't need so many cards in the 5-6 range as you might want in the 1-2 range.

Lastly, if you only have one of a card, unless it's going to make a BIG difference, I'd leave it out.  It leads to too much inconsistency.

So if you give it quick tune up I'd wager you will have significantly more success.

Good luck!

Re: Review Request - Vampire Deck

One more minor change - remove two of each basic land and add in 4 Dragonskull Summit.  No reason not to include a dual land in a two-color deck.

Re: Review Request - Vampire Deck

Excellent suggestions from both of you! I do think my mana curve is a bit steep. And I completely agree about putting some lower cost creatures in there to average it out. I was thinking of putting 4 of Doom Blade as they're pretty low mana cost.

What would you suggest to take out for substitutions?

Thanks guys!

Re: Review Request - Vampire Deck

Wow, didn't know about Doom's like getting a Dark Banishing for the price of a Terror!  Me like!

Anyway, I wish I could help a bit more, but my Standard knowledge is pretty craptacular.  More of a Vintage/Legacy guy myself.  And even that I'm still's a never-ending process really.

Re: Review Request - Vampire Deck

A combination of  Doom Blade and Go For The Throat gives you a bit more range to work with. Murder has no target limitations, but is a little pricier. Depending on your local meta, Victim of Night may be a good choice as well. These are cheap and will help you with a little more control than your creature only approach. As mentioned, Pillar of Flame and Arc Trail, would be a great addition as well to cut down on undying issues and bypass things that avoid black removal like Knight of Glory.