Topic: Modern Illusions

Thought it would be a fun deck to make. If anyone has any suggestions to make it better though

Re: Modern Illusions

Looks pretty solid, but I don't see where Aether Vial is really necessary given that the top of your mana curve is at four.

Two creatures that I think really should be in here are Phantom Warrior and Phantasmal DragonPhantom Warrior not only puts your opponent on a clock, but gets all the bonuses you have piling up.   Pair them with Coastal Piracy or Curiosity and you're ripping through your deck to ensure those Lord of the Unreals come out to play.  Phantasmal Dragon, pending you're not dealing with pingers, can either provide a sizable blocker, takes a removal spell that would otherwise be aimed at Lord of the Unreal, or, best of all, with Lord of the Unreal will pretty much end the game for you - and with a cost of only four.

Grand Architect is good for the bonuses it gives, but really, are you going to need more than a potential +8/+8 that you get from your Lord of the Unreals and Adaptive Automatons?  His other ability is pretty much going to waste.  Perhaps Sands of Delirium could help utilize the Architect's ability while also increasing your ability to give Jace's Phantasm it's bonus. 

Lastly, I would suggest Corrupted Conscience or even just Mind Control over Sower of Temptation as most decks are already primed for creature removal far more than enchantment removal.

Re: Modern Illusions

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Looks pretty solid, but I don't see where Aether Vial is really necessary given that the top of your mana curve is at four.

I would assume that it's ability can trigger at instant-speed, so he could technically play a creature for free during his opponent's turn, likely right after attackers are declared.  Now, if he drops, say, a Sower of Temptation with it, he can effectively steal an attacker and turn it into a blocker.  Plus, it won't have summoning sickness on his turn.  And even if he uses it on his own turn to get a creature out, he's keeping mana free for other purposes instead of just dropping a creature.

Anyway, I would switch Mana Leak out in favor of Rune Snag, as it's pretty much the same thing but gets better the more often it gets used.  Also, I think the deck would be better served with more counters than splashing white for a single card.  If you're that concerned about creature removal, look into spells like Boomerang or Unsummon.  I would go with Boomerang myself, since it is the more versatile card, but either suits your needs.  Don't like the creature, just return it to the player's hand and then counter it the next time they play it.  I also like Cryptic Command, but it may not suit this deck.  I just personally love cards that let you choose their effect.

There may be better suggestions, but I'll leave it here for now.  Gives you something to mull over smile

Last edited by the_wizard_666 (2012-07-17 05:46:17)