Topic: Druids' Repository Deck

Hello everybody!  I'm just going to preface this post with this fact: I've played MTG for years and years, but I've never really played Standard before, it has always been casual, whatever goes type stuff.  I'm not looking to be crazily competitive, beating down the best of the best decks, but I do want something that at least has the possibility of holding its own.  Additionally, I didn't want to buy a bunch of cards that were just going to rotate out in a matter of months.  And, of course, I mainly just want to have fun.

So, I decided to throw something together using a card that I always thought could play interestingly, but I haven't really seen used too much, Druids' Repository.
Basically, the idea I came up with is to hopefully get the Repository out as quickly as possible and then use a lot of dispensable creatures and attack like crazy to get out some really big stuff, really quickly.

Here's the deck. (Ignore the sideboard, it's just other ideas I was working with)

Ideal play would probably be something like this:
T1: Forest, Birds
T2: Forest, Young Wolf, Strangleroot Geist
T3: Land, Repository, Attack (+2 on Repo), Repo
T4: Land, Geist, Attack w/everything (+4/Repo), Avacyn/Griselbrand

I also have some Thatcher Revolts in there, for some big mana swings with multiple Repositories out.  As well as some other creatures that make it hard to block, so I don't have to worry so much about blindly attacking with everything (including the Birds).  And, lastly, I have Garruk Relentless in there for big creature tutoring and easy creature generation and the single Primal Surge in there just for fun.

At this point I'm sitting just above 60 cards, and I'm not sure what else to add/remove.  Like I said, I've never played Standard before, so any insight would be great.


Last edited by NullParameter (2012-06-28 17:59:39)

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

As of when I'm writing this you're at 56 cards so not legal, but as far as the repository, there's a reason that it's not seeing much play, it's not the most competitive card, but its an interesting one and I like the idea of the deck, I don't like that it needs to attack so aggressively early game, I feel like you could pretty easily just get blocked, though I suppose that's why you use undying creatures. That being said undying + Kessig Cage breakers seems counter productive.

My biggest fear for you is that you will give up your board position for a repository to get charged up, then have your opponent play an Oblivion Ring or a Revoke Existence on it. Perhaps run some sort of counterspells (Mana Leak) because if they try to kill it you can remove the counters in response and counter their spell, it puts you back a turn but doesn't leave you screwed over for the rest of the game, I have a very unsuccessful deck for standard, and the main reason it's bad is because it only has one way to get to the win condition, I like using the repository, however I'd like to see other ways to get up to the mana you need, Somberwald Sage perhaps?

Overall I'd like to hear how it preforms since I'm not an expert but it looks like it has a lot of potential, the biggest issue is that against an aggressive deck if you probably won't have anything to block so if they take out your first big creature then that could be GG right there.

So I would say cut the cagebreakers and consider a Mikaeus, the Unhallowed as another beefy guy since it gives everything but your champion of lambholt undying but as most already have it the usefulness is questionable. I'm not sure what else to say without hearing how it played out, good luck!

Last edited by imsully2 (2012-06-29 02:57:29)

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

Yeah, it is a bit short on cards at the moment because I was mucking around with the deck because I was getting suggestions from other sources as well.  And I realize that the repository hasn't seen a lot of play because it isn't the best card, but that's why I said that I didn't really want to worry about winning as much as just having fun with it. 

And yes, I definitely thought about getting some counterspells in there to stop from getting hosed, but I didn't really see the room to add blue, but I might just need to make the shift to mainly UG instead of GR.  That would also allow me to fit things in like Latchseeker and Invisible Stalker, so that I can attack without as many worries and have a secondary win condition of just whittling down their health with unblockability.

I had the Somberwald Sage in there at the start, but it was such a high cost without enough immediate payback, and limited my ability to reliably play and charge the Repos, but I might try to fit them back in if I can, because laying down two of those basically gets me all the way to my end goal.  Mikaeus, the Unhallowed is definitely an interesting addition; I was thinking about getting some cards in at a bit of a lower cost, and he definitely fits the bill.

Thanks for the ideas.  It's actually quite amusing, because literally everybody that has answered has come up with an entirely different direction in which to bring the deck.  Some say it won't work unless I run tokens (Lingering Souls, Increasing Devotion, etc.).  Others thought that I just needed better outlets for my mana, like Kessig Wolf Run.  Other people thought that I definitely needed to add four Green Sun's Zenith, so I had a more reliable way to get big creatures. 

Lots of possible paths in which to take the deck, and I'm not entirely set on which is the best way to do it.  I guess there is only one way to find out!

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

I would've suggested green suns myself, but you said you didn't want to drop alot on cards that are about to rotate so I figured dropping a little bit on cards that are about to rotate wouldn't be lovely.

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

Yeah, I'm still debating which direction that I want to go.  The GSZs would technically stop the Primal Surge in its tracks, but so would any counterspells that I add.  The bigger issue with adding GSZ isn't necessarily the cost, but they're being put there so that I can reliably get my big creatures, but they'll only help get one of them, Craterhoof Behemoth, since he's the only green one.

I changed a fair number of things, and updated the sideboard to actually be useful.  Still not sure if its the direction I want to go, especially because the blue really isn't doing me all that much good besides the mana leaks and I added in Alchemist's Refuge so that I could play creatures on the fly if they tried to destroy the Repos.  I don't know.... I'm way too new to this whole "competitive" deck building thing.....

Feel free to take another peek and let me know what you think.

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

Blech, Cavern of Souls, plus what would you declare, Human? None of your big stuff are the same creature type so it's not really worthwhile unless you're really worried about your humans getting countered, but no one's going to counter anything accept maybe your huntmasters, if you're interested in Planeswalkers I'd consider Garruk, Primal Hunter, once you pull off a big creature you can either draw a bunch of cards or possibly accel into your win with his ultimate.

As far as the Tidal Surge, you're right, maybe you should drop the mana leaks for that reason alone... I'm not sure though, that's going to come down to testing.

Another card to consider is Quicksilver Amulet, not amazing but it can speed up dropping big creatures and can be activated at instant speed if I'm not mistaken, it's not great by any means but something to consider.

Also Llanowar elves is probably a better option than the young wolves because of the fact that it's very possible not to draw a BOP t1 and you kind of need accel in your first hand if you want to stand a chance.

Also Urabrask is the worst praetor and probably isn't worth the slot, in my opinion, at that point your opponent probably has better board position than you do so you've got to keep that in mind, he just takes too long to come out to be worth it

Again, playtesting is the key, I'm still working out (large) kinks in my standard decks and testing is way more informative than any advice, (probably more so my advice than that of other people)

Last edited by imsully2 (2012-06-29 22:09:08)

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

I'm not going to pretend that I'm an expert on Standard at all (I'm in the same boat as you being mostly a casual and legacy player).  Having said that much, I think the best way to rock Druid's Repository is going to be with a token deck, to which point I would suggest moving to GW, or even GB if you can manage it as opposed to GR.  To that end, you would benefit from limiting your mana base and colors in a manner that will help ensure consistency (seeing as to how the current version of your deck is all five colors and has significant portions of mana for three colors).

imsully's points are solid, but really if you want to get the bang out of the repositories, you really need to have a LOT of creatures that are optionally expendable, hence my suggestion toward tokens.  I think you really would benefit from really just focusing on green and white big creatures/spells to capitalize off the repositories, with the option of 2-5 other big critters from the other colors, i.e. Griselbrand.  But I wouldn't venture any more past that, as you could easily find yourself stuck with one or two of them in your hand with no means to drop them into play.  For that reason, imsully is right, Quicksilver Amulet is a must in this deck (at least one or two of them).  But my suggestion would be not to venture too far outside of your normal colors as those creatures can easily become dead weight if the opponent destroys the Amulets or Repositories.

If Green Sun's Zenith is about to rotate, why not make a play toward Primal Surge?  I know it's a BEAST of a card to play, but man when it works, it WORKS. 

I'd also suggest trying to reduce some of the variety in cards and focus a bit more on the theme.  I would definitely add more Trusted Forcemages and Nightshade Peddler could be epic if you're working with tokens or undying.  That and even once the other creature dies, the Peddler can bond with a new creature.

Anyway, you clearly have a lot of good pieces here and some SERIOUS trade-bait if you're looking to find some missing pieces.  Best of luck with the playtesting, but for what it's worth, I cannot stress enough the need to limit the colors.

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

TyWooOneTime makes perfectly valid points, but tokens are too slow. Look at the token cards avaliable, most of them will be setting you back 2-3 turns and without a parallel lives they're going to go even slower, if you go with tokens you absolutely need to cut primal surge because most of the really good token cards are not permanents. If you want to slow down your strategy then yes, tokens are great, but you're not going to find any tokens that are aggressive enough to work with this current build, if you want to switch to tokens you're going to need to completely shift the deck, focusing on card draw and Parallel Lives as much as the repository

TyWooOneTime: Trusted Forcemage? It's not a terrible card but not very good in constructed and I don't see how it fits the deck, maybe if it was more of a defensive boost but as it is I'm not liking that one.

Either way if you're using the Amulet and the Repository you better pack some sort of protection since Naturalize can kill either one with no trouble at all.

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

I must respectfully disagree about tokens being the wrong way to go, as there are plenty of options that would meet the criteria of the card being a permanent for the Primal Surge, while also fitting the Repositories perfectly with an expendible creature.  Will you be running Lingering Souls?  Nope, but Thraben Doomsayer, Commander's Authority, and things of that like fit the bill.  Are they the fastest thing in the game, no, but the repositories present an unorthodox strategy where you need to attack relentlessly, regardless of the outcome and you can't really do that without some means of creature generation, in this case, tokens.

The reason for suggesting Trusted Forcemage and Nightshade Peddler is to pair with the tokens.  Then when you're flinging them against their defenses to pump up the Repositories, they get an added +1 and deathtouch to their punches, making those little tokens serve several purposes at once.  Then, once the repository is powered up enough, you unleash an Avacyn or whatever and walk away with the game.

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

It is a valid argument, I would say that tokens should be used as after T5-7ish finisher when you have a big creature out and need that extra mana to flow to get the rest of your huge creatures. Also in my opinion keeping red is a good decision, if nothing else for the haste, Lightning Mauler could even work with tokens and something like Stonewright can be a finisher by it's self if you've got a couple counters on repositories and an unblocked creature. Ultimately testing will be the best way to tell, but this deck seems to run as aggro and as such I think it needs to spit stuff out quick, otherwise it would be better as a Green Ramp/Colorfixing deck, but that's just my two cents if you decide to run tokens Parallel Lives goes without saying I believe, Garruk Relentless is also a decent choice, especially since your tokens can then be used with his overrun ability.

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

Thanks for all the ideas guys.  Very much appreciated.

As you can obviously see, there are a LOT of directions that this deck can go in, and you guys keep coming up with even more of them, which is why I was having trouble.

I added in the Cavern of Souls because it could technically be used in any color combo of the deck, and I'd essentially hang onto it until I was able to play the big creature, at which point I would lay it down, name the proper creature type and they could do nothing about it.  Essentially, another way to combat counterspells without the need for me to have blue in the deck if I chose to remove it.

I do like the addition of the Quicksilver Amulets, I hadn't thought about them for some reason.  I actually forgot that they were Standard at the moment.

I'm just gonna have to mull it over for a bit, make a decision and take the leap to find out how it works, because I'm gonna have to trade for and/or buy cards no matter how the deck turns out.

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

I would be careful with the Primal Surge, for it will mill you...

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Re: Druids' Repository Deck

The key term on Primal Surge is "may," meaning that even it you pop up a permanent, you do not have to repeat the process if you don't want to.  If you manage to drop that bomb successfully, milling is the last thing you're going to be worried about at that point.

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

TyWooOneTime wrote:

The key term on Primal Surge is "may," meaning that even it you pop up a permanent, you do not have to repeat the process if you don't want to.  If you manage to drop that bomb successfully, milling is the last thing you're going to be worried about at that point.

My bigger worry would be a Terminus wink

So yeah, I tested this out a bit, but, like a lot of aggro decks, is susceptible to removal.  I was able to pull off a nice, quick combo one time of attacking with a couple Druids' Repositorys out and then got out Griselbrand, but they immediately hit him with a Go For the Throat; I definitely activated his ability in response though, so I got some extra cards out of the deal.

Somberwald Sage was very nice, if I could keep it on the field, and when I did I was able to get a few Craterhoof Behemoths out and just trampled everything.

Sadly, I haven't been able to hit Primal Surge yet.  The one time I was close; one mana away before I got pinged for the last few points of damage.

I like the deck so far, but it really needs some better flow to it.  Really hits some highs and lows.  Huntmaster of the Fells is a real champ.  I never understood why he was worth so much, until I was able to flip a couple of them a couple times in a row.  Just need to get some better tempo for the deck, and a better way to combat destruction (maybe another deck to make use of Sheltering Word).

Last edited by NullParameter (2012-07-07 01:18:08)

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

TyWooOneTime wrote:

The key term on Primal Surge is "may," meaning that even it you pop up a permanent, you do not have to repeat the process if you don't want to.  If you manage to drop that bomb successfully, milling is the last thing you're going to be worried about at that point.

I guess I never read Primal Surge close enough tongue

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Re: Druids' Repository Deck

Hey, with the release of M13 I think there are a few cards worth looking into for this deck, Omniscience and door to nothingness, they're very odd cards but I think that they actually work really well with the build that you have, the color + mana restrictions are what make these cards not too great but you should be able to solve both of these problems with the repositories.

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

imsully2 wrote:

Hey, with the release of M13 I think there are a few cards worth looking into for this deck, Omniscience and door to nothingness, they're very odd cards but I think that they actually work really well with the build that you have, the color + mana restrictions are what make these cards not too great but you should be able to solve both of these problems with the repositories.

I think to make Omniscience work I might want to have some serious card draw going on as well, otherwise I'm just going to be top decking.  But Door to Nothingness was actually one of the original reasons for creating the deck, so I'll definitely have to add one in there if I ever actually get the deck going.  *Adds to Wishlist*

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

NullParameter wrote:
imsully2 wrote:

Hey, with the release of M13 I think there are a few cards worth looking into for this deck, Omniscience and door to nothingness, they're very odd cards but I think that they actually work really well with the build that you have, the color + mana restrictions are what make these cards not too great but you should be able to solve both of these problems with the repositories.

I think to make Omniscience work I might want to have some serious card draw going on as well, otherwise I'm just going to be top decking.  But Door to Nothingness was actually one of the original reasons for creating the deck, so I'll definitely have to add one in there if I ever actually get the deck going.  *Adds to Wishlist*

Soul of the Harvest?

Last edited by imsully2 (2012-07-18 05:07:24)

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

imsully2 wrote:

Soul of the Harvest?

Yep, that was my thought exactly.  I'm just not sure how to best fit it in.......

Seriously, this deck is going to be amazing big_smile

Edit: Eh, take another look.  I put them both in, just because.  Not sure what I think yet.

Last edited by NullParameter (2012-07-18 05:12:16)

Re: Druids' Repository Deck

The way I see it is you're very likely to get non-creatures half of the time, however you'll then very likely get a creature on your next turn, so it should work (?)