Topic: Streamlining new trades

I'd like to propose an idea to simplify the creation of a new trade proposal.  It may have been proposed before, but I couldn't find it when searching the message board.

Right now, if you want to propose a trade with someone, you need to list cards for an offering, and list cards you want.  Well, you already allow us to see which players have specific cards, and then, after clicking through to the player, we can see what else they have on their trade list that we have on ours.

How about adding controls on each line of that list (either a check box, or a quantity box), to allow us to specify how many of them we want.  You could also include an option box for things like Foil, Promo, or a specific language.  Then, have a Request Trade button below the list. It becomes a veritable trade shopping cart for a given user's trade list.

Did I describe it well enough? Anyone like the idea?

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