Topic: RW Draft Feedback

I drafted this forty card deck today and took first place.  I'd appreciate your feedback, both on the deck itself, and on ways to expand it to be a 60 card standard deck

Thanks for taking a look!

a.k.a. HikingStick

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: RW Draft Feedback

First off, congrats on the draft win.

The challenge you really have here with taking a draft winner to a standard deck is to figure out which combo(s) would still operate well in a constructed format.  In a draft you have the luxury of your opponents having to fight over a limited number of removal spells and the like, in constructed, you will see decks that are a LOT more focused, consistent, and capable of disrupting your best laid plans.  This typically means you have to identify the combo(s) that you REALLY want and drop a lot of the other cards that might've looked good in the draft.

To that end, I would imagine the Sublime Archangel was a big player for you, but unless you're looking to drop another $60 to get three more and want to focus on this being an exalted deck, I don't know that you want to go that route.  Perhaps you could make it more goblin oriented with the Sublime Archangel being a win condition. 

You could utilize white primarily for removal (Oblivion Ring, Pacifism, Defang) as the exiling and other white removal spells tend to be cheaper and more versatile than trying to ramp up enough direct damage via red to take out anything big. 

If you do go primarily red, Arms Dealer can be nasty when paired with Krenko's Command or even Krenko, Mob Boss.  I would also keep something like the Bladetusk Boars in the deck, as exalted works wonders, but only if you can get that one creature through to them.  Typically in a BW exalted deck you will see this role filled by Tormented Soul, but in your case, Intimidate isn't a bad option.

Another thought, if white stays in the deck, especially when working with exalted is to incorporate a means of giving your creatures lifelink.  I'm thinking Nearheath Pilgrim could work here.  The same can be said for Cathars' Crusade if you're going for goblins.  Pairing that with Krenko would be SICK.

Anyway, there are a few thoughts, I would argue that you should be able to pull off something that's at least mildly competitive if you are willing to spend $20-30 and can focus in on one or two particular strategies.  See what you can figure out with it and I can provide more feedback when you've progressed a bit.

Re: RW Draft Feedback

Thanks for the feedback.  I have access to most of those other cards (sadly, not more Sublime Archangel at this time).  However, I have just acquired some Infinite Reflection.  They would make every non-token creature on the board a copy of Sublime Archangel.

Another thought I had was to try to build an exalted deck that incorporates the green Wolfir cards (Silverheart and Avenger).  Silverheart soulbonded with Silverheart is already a 12/12, so adding exalted to that attacker would be simply sick. Now just to add an artifact (or enchantment) that conveys Trample...

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: RW Draft Feedback

Your obvious trample options will be Rancor and Ring of Kalitas.

Just remember that Infinite Reflection will make your creatures all copies of the Sublime Archangel and will rock some MAJOR exalted, but only one can attack at a time... It'll be interesting to see if that combo pans out or not, as I can imagine plenty of other creatures that could prove equally useful with Infinite Reflection that you could attack with multiples of.  My first thought would be to pair that with Elderscale Wurm if you're going green.  7/7 trample and you cannot die unless they kill all of them?  Yes please.

Re: RW Draft Feedback

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Your obvious trample options will be Rancor and Ring of Kalitas.

Just remember that Infinite Reflection will make your creatures all copies of the Sublime Archangel and will rock some MAJOR exalted, but only one can attack at a time... It'll be interesting to see if that combo pans out or not, as I can imagine plenty of other creatures that could prove equally useful with Infinite Reflection that you could attack with multiples of.  My first thought would be to pair that with Elderscale Wurm if you're going green.  7/7 trample and you cannot die unless they kill all of them?  Yes please.

You got me thinking about Infinite Reflection in green, and I'm working on a deck now.  I was also thinking about trying black, and copying a card with a decent "enters the battlefield" ability. Even Bloodhunter Bat becomes a real problem for an opponent if every card coming into play causes my opponent to lose life while I gain life.  Then if I add Mimic Vat and some flicker effects, there will be some major gnashing of teeth.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.