Topic: Toying With a New Casual/Legacy Deck

As I've been inventorying my current collection, I have been making note of any card that piques my interest.  Today I got bored and decided to come up with a deck to build, but since a few of the cards are pricy, I wanted to get some feedback on it before I go out and drop the cash to buy what I'm missing, in case I end up cutting a few of them.  Anyway, it's mono-green, and I'd like to keep it that way (been a while since I've run a mono-green deck), but I'm not sure if I'm overlooking something here.  Oh, and the deck needs a name...haven't come up with one yet...

I didn't go out intending to make this a Druid deck...I was originally planning the massive mana ramp to lead to large beasts instead...but I decided that since I've never seen a deck with more than a couple druids in it, I figured I'd go the tribal route just to keep things interesting.  A few things worry me though...

- lack of defense, especially flying defense
- land hate
- counter magic

Also, I would like to trim it to 60 cards to keep it more consistent (not averse to running it as a 70 card deck, but if something really doesn't need to be there, why keep it there), and possibly add a sideboard to it.

Re: Toying With a New Casual/Legacy Deck

Intriguing concept... but I don't really see where all the mana you're generating is going.  Perhaps Primal Surge should be in there?

I'd put 4x Elvish Archdruid in this deck before you go any further.  As most of the other druids are elves, they'll get the bonuses, while you manage to create that much more mana.  Which brings me to another gem that might be worthwhile, Omnath, Locus of Mana.  Not only will he get huge when you generate all that mana, but you can include Bear Umbra and other effects to untap mana and it will snowball (note that you'll want Rancor or something to give him trample so he doesn't get chumped).

Then I guess the only other question is where all that other mana is going.  I'd definitely say to look for some big X effect artifacts, as green really doesn't have much in the way of X cost spells worth a crap.

For the flying defense, given that you're looking at Legacy, you have a lot of options open.  Silklash Spider if you like the newer, repeating flyer death.  Spidersilk Armor is a good way to make all your creatures have reach.  Gravity Well can also be good fun.  The other option would be to put Hurricane in there, leaving the only question as: How you gain life to survive the storm?

To be honest, I wouldn't worry about land destruction all that much.  With the druids you will be making a TON of mana, even with only a few lands.  Plus, land destruction is rather slow (normally not much until turn three or later), meaning you will likely have a board advantage to run with at that point.  I'm also thinking that you might want some means to play additional lands on each turn, Rites of Flourishing, Explore, Gaea's Touch, Fastbond, Exploration, etc.  Then the problem is even further alleviated.

Countermagic... the easiest solution is Cavern of Souls as cliche as it might be at this point.  Autumn's Veil could also work in a pinch.

One last point, I think you would benefit from some sort of draw mechanic to help speed the process.  Specifically, Well of Knowledge could be epic, as you can draw 3-4-5 or more cards per turn if you have the mana to spare.

Re: Toying With a New Casual/Legacy Deck

I agree with TyWooOneTime on this one, the deck doesn't seem to have a direction at all, you're just getting lots and lots of mana which I assume is to be used on Kamahl, Fist of Krosa's second ability, so that even like 2 of your creatures can swing for lethal but I'm not sure. I definitely think you need a focus for all of that mana, I don't think it's primal surge tho, not if you're using more than one copy of legendary creatures and planeswalkers, it seems too risky to me. Omnath however seems like a really good idea and Hurricane with some sort of a life gain mechanic could be pretty sweet. Things that come to mind are Dark Sphere or for the more epic finish Intervention Pact (assuming they don't have counterspells)

Re: Toying With a New Casual/Legacy Deck

Sully's got this one...the mana would basically be going into Kamahl for both his primary and secondary abilities.  Anyway, some interesting suggestions, so I've done a touch of tinkering to the deck...

Cavern of Souls x2
Omnath, Locus of Mana x2
Privileged Position x2
Well of Knowledge x2

Argothian Elder x2
Early Harvest x1
Elvish Pioneer x1
Forest x2
Thousand-Year Elixer x2

Autumn's Veil
Elvish Archdruid
Gravity Well

Crucible of Worlds + Zuran Orb as a way to survive land destruction...possible sideboard.
Call of the Wild + more Gaea's Blessing - Kind of against this for no other reason than my friend running a similar deck...I feel that if I do this, the deck essentially becomes the same deck he's running, which I just plain don't like doing.  It would free up space in the deck though, as I would be able to go down to one of each Legendary it is, if Kamahl is countered, I'd want a backup to play, but if CttW puts a Blessing into my graveyard, that risk is more or less negated. 

Anyway, going down to one of each Legendary creature and putting in three Archdruids would provide a serious boon, but since two of them I would consider integral to winning, the risk of not getting them outweighs the potential benefits.  Fog would help for defense in general, but once my creatures are coming out in force I don't really see a need...playtesting would be the only way to tell if it's worth adding or not.  Autumn's Veil and Gravity Well are both being considered for sideboard cards.  I feel their use is far too limited to keep them in the main deck. 

I'm still wondering about an alternate win in case I don't get Kamahl, Fist of Krosa in play though.  Since it's the effect I'm going for anyway, perhaps Overrun would have a place?  I also would like to drop down to 60-ish for consistency, but I'm having trouble deciding what I should drop...there's just too much there that should be there.

Last edited by the_wizard_666 (2012-08-12 02:31:57)

Re: Toying With a New Casual/Legacy Deck

Honestly I'd be alot more worried about things like Whipflare and the like that just flat out kill your entire board for a couple mana and likely leave their side untouched.

Kamahl is nice but mana dorks and him don't work out too well, he'd pair extremely well with the Archdruids because then you tap 1-2 archdruids and are able to set him off a bunch of times but if you've only got guys that pop out 1 mana then they'll need to tap themselves and therefore not be able to attack that turn

Re: Toying With a New Casual/Legacy Deck

I'll be honest, I never thought about Whipflare.  However, when all it takes is paying into Kamahl once to save my board, I'm not terribly worried.  I'm also not worried about using my creatures to create mana...that's why Vernal Bloom is there.  The Llanowar Elves are there for early-game mana, before I can get the Thawing Glaciers to go off two or three times per turn (or more if things go my way).  And with Omnath, Locus of Mana keeping unspent mana in my mana pool, once he's in play I'll simply build up an insane mana pool to the point that I can pay into Kamahl a few times without even having to tap anything for it.  I'm kind of glad TyWoo suggested Omnath, because even though it doesn't suit the Druid theme, it works well with the ones I have in there.  At this point, I think the strategy is sound...already have it in my head how everything will ideally play out, it's just a question of what needs to be done to streamline it to keep everything flowing in order for everything to work the way I envision.

EDIT: Now, Wrath of God worries me a bit, but I'm not sure what can help with that...short of a Feldon's Cane or two to get everything back as needed. Too tired to think right now, maybe later I'll come up with something tongue

Last edited by the_wizard_666 (2012-08-12 04:16:53)

Re: Toying With a New Casual/Legacy Deck

Feldon's Cane would be one option.  Others include Elixir of Immortality (there's some of that lifegain for the mega hurricane) - or if you have Library of Leng, Reliquary Tower, or Venser's Journal you can totally rock Creeping Renaissance to get all your creatures back.