Topic: Krenko's Dance Party 68 [Standard] [Opinions]

Well, I tried out my Krenko's Elves deck at FNM, and it did not do so well.  One of the better players in the state was there, and, after killing me on T3 and T4 with a sick Infect deck for 2-0 in under five minutes, he agreed to review my deck for me.  The result was getting rid of all Green except that necessary to get out Garruk Relentless and Huntmaster of the Fells.  I scrambled to make the changes on Saturday after helping many others in our family get ready for Saturday Magic.  The end result, which I've named Krenko's Dance Party 68 ( took third place on Saturday (losing to a T1 zombie/artifact deck while I sat mana stowed one hand, and mana rich the next).

I named it Krenko's Dance Party 68 because it has a good pace, with many, many Goblins invited to the party, and a total of 68 cards.  Yes, that's high, but it worked well--the balance is there.  The original main deck/sideboard configuration was different, but this is what worked out to be best by the end of the day.  The only change I've made since was to swap in two Cavern of Souls in place of two Mountains, to protect my Goblins from counterspells.

Huntmaster sits in the sideboard because I had little success playing him on Saturday.  I'm not sure if I'll try him again if I have more copies.

As always, your feedback and comments are much appreciated.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Krenko's Dance Party 68 [Standard] [Opinions]

I  don't think it's worth splashing green in the current build, now a playset of huntmasters can change things alot but green for 2 garruks just seems like a bad call IMO

Re: Krenko's Dance Party 68 [Standard] [Opinions]

imsully2 wrote:

I  don't think it's worth splashing green in the current build, now a playset of huntmasters can change things alot but green for 2 garruks just seems like a bad call IMO

Thanks for the feedback. My thoughts matched your own at first--the deck was really looking like mono Red, but a player in our local club who ranks very high in the state recommended keeping him (at least until I get that playset of Huntmasters).

He recommended using Garruk as a one time spot removal with token creation.  When I've had both him and Chandra out, most players have tried to take out Garruk first, because of his token creation, buying me a turn or two to pump Chandra toward her ultimate.

I do plan to pick up more Huntmaster of the Fells as soon as possible.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Krenko's Dance Party 68 [Standard] [Opinions]

Outside of what imsully said, I would say there are two things here that could be changed for some improvement.

1) Rolling Temblor - really this is a great card if you have a deck chock full of flyers or are worried about your opponent rolling out an army of tokens.  However, the beauty of Krenko, Mob Boss is that YOUR army of tokens will likely be larger than theirs, meaning the last thing you want to do is drop a spell that does two damage to every creature without flying.  Without at least two Goblin Chieftains on the battlefield, this card will essentially neutralize your entire deck.  The obvious card to substitute in is Bonfire of the Damned, but I'm not going to say you should go drop $80 or more for two cards.  I would likely go with 2x Goblin Grenade in their place.

2) You really don't have any means by which to draw more cards once your hand is spent, and given that it's a goblin deck, that reality could be much sooner than expected.  Just spitballing here, but Rummaging Goblin will at least help ensure you can dig through to get the spells you really want (a big plus if you're over 60 cards).  I've always been a believer that Elixir of Immortality is great when you're using things that require you to discard, as your curve might not be to the point where you want a six-drop, but you can discard it for something more useful, recycle the library, and find it the next go round.

Other options to help with the drawing situation could be Descendants' Path - as it has a pretty good chance of helping you out, as all your creatures are goblins; Staff of Nin?  It has a cost of six, but that's about when you'll be needing more cards anyway.  You get to ping things and draw more.

I'll keep thinking about it, but that's just what comes to mind now.

Re: Krenko's Dance Party 68 [Standard] [Opinions]

I appreciate the feedback.  I don't like Rummaging Goblin because it is discard to draw.  If I am sitting on a bad hand, it might be useful.  Otherwise, it seems like it would be of limited value, though I'm willing to give it a try.

Staff of Nin is interesting.  I have it, so might try it.

Thanks again.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.