Topic: W: Restoration Angel x2

I'm looking for 2 Restoration Angels to complete my playset, take a look at my tradelist to see if i have anything you're interested in.

Re: W: Restoration Angel x2

One and only bump, anyone see anything they want for a resto angel or 2?

Re: W: Restoration Angel x2

Nothing in your tradelist but if you're open to stuff from your inventory there's a few things I like.

Re: W: Restoration Angel x2

Same as the above poster, nothing in tradelist, but I would trade 2 for your snapcaster.

Re: W: Restoration Angel x2

Same as above peeps, if there's stuff you'd be willing to trade from your inventory (not neccessarily big things but I am interested in Foil Emeria, the Sky Ruin) let me know

Re: W: Restoration Angel x2

Looking to keep a hold of my snapcaster, the foil emeria not being in my tradelist is a mistake, it is for trade, what were the other things you all were looking at? Most likely going to hold onto things not in the tradelist, but feel free to ask, maybe they're mistakenly not on the tradelist lije the emeria was!  Let me know!

Re: W: Restoration Angel x2

Scyth555 wrote:

Same as above peeps, if there's stuff you'd be willing to trade from your inventory (not neccessarily big things but I am interested in Foil Emeria, the Sky Ruin) let me know

What do you value it at?

Re: W: Restoration Angel x2

I will do 2 restoration angels plus something else for your 3 hinterland harbors from your inventory. Didn't see anything in your tradelist, tbh.

Re: W: Restoration Angel x2

Only looking for 1 now, and I'm looking to hold onto the hinterlands, thanks for posting though!