Topic: More and More Ideas...

So I made a trade the other day that netted me 2x Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and a Griselbrand and I thought, how the hell can I use these without breaking the bank to put together a mean G/B build.  It was about then that I noticed Jarad is a zombie ELF and Elvish Archdruid came to mind.  Thus, here's a sort of strange build that I almost have everything for.

The idea is to use the load of elves to work together toward a meaningful end.  Arbor Elf, Elvish Archdruid, and Elvish Visionary are all aimed to speed things up.  Untapping forests, generating crazy mana, and drawing cards all work to this end.  The fact the Archdruids also pump their fellow elves is just gravy - especially seeing as to how they also pump Jarad and the Korozda Guildmages.

The ramping is there for four possible bombs - Griselbrand, 2x Primordial Hydra, or the Great Sarlacc (aka Worldspine Wurm).  In each of those scenarios, I really am indifferent to whether they get to deliver the hits or whether I just sack them to Jarad to deal damage that way (take that Pacifism!).

I maintain some removal control of the board with 3x Abrupt Decay (yes, someone had a good pre-release) and 3x Murder - which can easily become 4x of either with 2x Treasured Find that can otherwise snag things out of my graveyard.

Vraska and Liliana are both in for added bonuses, but not as major players.  To the extent either can work as a removal option, that's just icing on the cake.

I know that 4x Overgrown Tomb and 4x Woodland Cemetery make more sense here, but they also essentially double the cost of the deck.  As I only have 1x of each, that's why they are where they stand.

Flying defense is okay... but given the speed Elvish Archdruid can afford in my ramping, do I need to worry that much?  In theory I could match their turn 5 Hypersonic Dragon (or insert something else here) with one of my big guns (even the Great Sarlacc).  I could work some Silklash Spiders into the sideboard too without any pause.

I know that I'll want Deathrite Shaman to throw in here, but what do people think?  Is this viable?  I'd sideboard enchantment removal for Detention Sphere/Oblivion Ring but otherwise, what am I lacking here? 


Re: More and More Ideas...

Going into the prerelease, my gut feeling was that tribal decks would probably do well over the next four to six weeks, especially mono-colored ones, or those with only a splash of other colors.  The reason? Many people, itchy to try out all their new cards, will need time to work their decks into a good groove.  Tribal might give you an advantage at FNM or other events until the net decks start to appear.

Personally, I'm working on a goblin tribal deck... and a devils deck.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: More and More Ideas...

It just struck me that Jarad is an Elf and the poor Archdruids were reprinted in M13 with no real supporting elves to speak of.  I certainly wouldn't complain about having a 3/3 Elvish Visionary that I can pump one more to a 4/4, give intimidate to (thanks Korozda Guildmage) and then sack after combat, netting me eight damage for six mana and only costing a visionary (who is expendable after his ETB resolves anyway).