Topic: W: Detention Sphere, Supreme Verdict, Abrupt Decay, Shocks

Hi there,

I am looking for a lot of things, but would love to get a buy-a-box promo Supreme Verdict and some Detention Spheres along with needing a few Overgrown Tombs and Abrupt Decays. I do not have a ton of trades, but I do have a Marsh Flats and a few extra Isolated Chapels.

Re: W: Detention Sphere, Supreme Verdict, Abrupt Decay, Shocks

Oh, yeah and I have 2 foil Ponders too.

Re: W: Detention Sphere, Supreme Verdict, Abrupt Decay, Shocks

Are any of your Inventory (but not Tradelist) cards possibly up for trade?  I have Detention Spheres/Shocks/Abrupts.

Re: W: Detention Sphere, Supreme Verdict, Abrupt Decay, Shocks

What is it that you are looking at?

Actinide wrote:

Are any of your Inventory (but not Tradelist) cards possibly up for trade?  I have Detention Spheres/Shocks/Abrupts.

Re: W: Detention Sphere, Supreme Verdict, Abrupt Decay, Shocks

Snappy, SoLaS and Arid Mesas.

Re: W: Detention Sphere, Supreme Verdict, Abrupt Decay, Shocks

Actinide wrote:

Snappy, SoLaS and Arid Mesas.

I would have to pass on trading those. Sorry. ;(