Topic: Need Opinions and lots of them.

I'm wanting to build a new deck and I have been thinking about combining one i have already with one i'm trying to build. I need some help with what to keep what not to keep and if there is anything else i should throw in. Deck I'm trying to build Deck I already have built.

Help would be nice.

Re: Need Opinions and lots of them.

Well as far as your Populate deck is concerned, I think you have a little bit of an issue with the fact that you have 13 cards that will likely produce tokens (I don't think the guildmages will, to inefficient) and 21 cards that will populate, you need tokens before you can populate them so I'd recommend taking out some of the populate cards in favor of cards that produce tokens, perhaps x4 Wayfaring Temple cut in favor of x4 Midnight Haunting so you've got some flying? I know that it seems too good to pass up free populate every turn, but let's be realistic without trample the temple will get chumped every turn, it's a good card but really needs Rancor to shine and Rancor doesn't fit in this deck. Also no Intangible Virtue? I feel like that's sort of a requirement in token decks, to try to keep your tokens out of bonfire / mizzum motars range I know it will be hard to fit in but it could be worth it. I'd also cut one Growing Ranks in favor of one Parallel Lives, it gets exponential with populate.

I also always suggest putting the Loxodon Smiters in the sideboard rather than main-deck, I know it's really appealing and an awesome card but lets face facts, #1 there are very few cards that will actually see play that let you choose what to discard, in my opinion Rakdos's Return, maybe Reforge the Soul??, Liliana of the Veil obviously, and some possibles Drainpipe Vermin, and Black Cat, but they're all black and uncountable is nice but if you're facing aggro that smiter t3 wont be as nice as a couple chump blockers, most people would disagree with me on this but I thought I'd explain my reasons and leave it up to you.

As far as your already made deck, how do you plan to get the damage through? Faith's Shield is always a good option as you can give your creature protection from hopefully everything your opponent can block with. I'd also say you're better off with Nearheath Pilgrims than Sunstrikers, this is only because I can rarely see an instance where I'd swing with something that has absolutely no evasion and no really good abilities in this instance. I also only see one way for you to get trample and that's at 8 mana and you have no ramp at all, most games won't give you that much time without more stalling. I'd consider Ring of Kalonia or Volatile Rig, I know they're not great but getting colorless trample is a force to be reckoned with especially in a deck without trample. I'm also confused about the inclusion of cloudshift, it seems like it's supposed to protect your creatures from kill spells and the like if that's the case then Faith's Shield should actually help out just as much, same CMC and counters the spell just as well unless there's a colorless kill spell I don't know of, it's true that it doesn't help against artifacts but the only artifact that I'm guessing will see play is Stuffy Doll and I don't think you need to worry about it killing your creatures any time soon wink.

Overall I think these are both really good designs and I can't wait to hear how they turn out!!!

Re: Need Opinions and lots of them.

OK, I made a few adjustments and now I need help slimming things down a little bit. One of the combos I'm interested in trying with this is to use the Cloudshift on Thragtusk to build life and tokens. Let me know if this would work because I'm still not too familiar with the rules. Any feedback would be great.

Re: Need Opinions and lots of them.

srrogers1985 wrote:

One of the combos I'm interested in trying with this is to use the Cloudshift on Thragtusk to build life and tokens.

I know the enter the battlefield (etb) ability would trigger on it's return, but I am not sure about it's leaves the battlefield (ltb) ability. It seems logical that if the etb ability would trigger, then so would the ltb ability?

UPDATE: I checked Gatherer, and this is what it had for Rulings:

"7/1/2012     Thragtusk's second ability will trigger no matter what zone Thragtusk goes to."

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Need Opinions and lots of them.

Awesome, I figure that is why Thragtusk's value has jumped up $7 with the release of RTR.

Re: Need Opinions and lots of them.

srrogers1985 wrote:

OK, I made a few adjustments and now I need help slimming things down a little bit. One of the combos I'm interested in trying with this is to use the Cloudshift on Thragtusk to build life and tokens. Let me know if this would work because I'm still not too familiar with the rules. Any feedback would be great.

One thing to note, if you've only got 1 thrag it's probably not going to come up very often, cloudshift works well with other token producers, (Armada Wurm) but you'd be better off with a 2 cmc populate spell.

srrogers1985 wrote:

Awesome, I figure that is why Thragtusk's value has jumped up $7 with the release of RTR.

People are also using them in Zombie decks sometimes just because it's one of those cards that you can put in almost any deck and make it better, it's a 5/3, 5 life, and a 3/3 for 1 green and 4 colorless, it's unfairly good, especially for a rare so it's going in pretty much any deck that has green in it, it reminds me of the titans in some ways. I support the use of thrags in Populate / normal tokens / flicker, however when they're used in everything then they become like SoWaP which gets annoying pretty quick. (Sorry for my little rant)

Re: Need Opinions and lots of them.

Yeah plan on getting at least 2 more. Have 2 bonfires coming in that i'm going to use for trade.

Re: Need Opinions and lots of them.

Considering Thragtusk is in the forthcoming Golgari Event deck... you're going to see a LOT more of them.

Re: Need Opinions and lots of them.

They're just putting thragtusk in every event deck with green aren't they, jeez, it also seems unfair how much better the golgari one is compared to the rakdos one

Re: Need Opinions and lots of them.

Well I've cut out a few things and I think I'm going to focus on thragtusk as my main token producer maybe try garruk at some point. I need some ideas on what to cut and I'm looking for a card that would let me search for Thragtusk, any ideas?

Re: Need Opinions and lots of them.

srrogers1985 wrote:

Well I've cut out a few things and I think I'm going to focus on thragtusk as my main token producer maybe try garruk at some point. I need some ideas on what to cut and I'm looking for a card that would let me search for Thragtusk, any ideas?

Um ... Flipped Garruk? Otherwise Jarad's Orders? All of the good creature tutoring just rotated out sad

Re: Need Opinions and lots of them.

I wouldn't rely on Thragtusk as your key token producer as you'll need to be able to bounce him every turn and the only renewable form of flickering available to white is Conjurer's Closet.  But more importantly, by the time Thragtusk hits the field, any good populate deck is going to have a variety of options for what to populate. 

Take a look at the build I'm working toward here:

The idea is to be dumping as many tokens out as possible (within reason) and then populating them.  Further, given that Sever the Bloodlines, Izzet Staticaster, and Detention Sphere are all firmly rooted in standard, you want to be sure to diversify your token types so they don't all get blasted at once.  You'll note that my current populate build will pop out spirits, birds, centaurs, beasts, wurms, and elemental tokens. 

But the item that REALLY makes all this go is Intangible Virtue.  I'm telling you the truth saying that I beat someone in a draft with a Doomed Traveler because I had virtue on the board (and he didn't want to make things any worse).  Not only does it pump your tokens, but it gives them vigilance, letting you swing with abandon while maintaining the defenses.  To go for a populate build and not have that is just crazy.

Beyond that, imsully and I can offer comments, but I'll be honest and forthright in saying that the RTR standard  meta is a mess right now (that's right, think for yourselves delver kids!).  So even something that isn't perfectly tuned might do well.  Piece together as much as you can and playtest it.