Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

scurveymobile wrote:
reignofkindo wrote:
GalacticFisher wrote:

If it makes you feel better I'm the one Op was trading with and I had a canceled trade from the same guy you did. Except I'm trying to make it right, and still being harassed. Justice.

And I see you actually gave him negative feedback that says "Canceled a finalized trade without even a word" How is cancelling a finalized trade saying "Sorry, I got a better offer" any better than that? You claim you didn't know it was against the rules to cancel after trading addresses, but you gave someone a negative a week before for doing the same thing? Wut.

No, I believe that was the negative feedback I gave to JACKlolz that you read, not from op's person

He's referring to me. I gave negative rep to JACKlolz.

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

yeah I dont see how if some people are dicks that means you get to use that as an excuse to be one as well.

It sucks they did it to you.  they deserve negative feedback. but if you didnt lose your cards at least you have that much.   

But when you turn around and do the same thing to someone else the next week and thinking that because you 'told him you got a better offer' somehow makes you any different then them then your a hypocrite.  If you didnt want to trade then dont hit the accept button.

Now if it was a non accepted trade and they canceled it on you I dont consider it the same thing. until its confirmed it doesnt matter and yeah I have screwed up as well and had to bite the bullet twice, buying cards i accidentally double traded.   In a few cases where there were issues with the cards i worked things out and THAT Is what communicating with the other person means,  putting effort and possibly more cards on your end (or theirs) to make things right.  Just telling him 'sorry I got a better offer, tough luck' is not being responsible, its you being a jackass for actually thinking that its ok.

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

GalacticFisher wrote:
scurveymobile wrote:
GalacticFisher wrote:

If it makes you feel better I'm the one Op was trading with and I had a canceled trade from the same guy you did. Except I'm trying to make it right, and still being harassed. Justice.

To me it should just be common sense that once you agree you do it.  I have been offered better trades for a card that I had already traded and decline them because I have an obligation to continue the previous trade.

I commend you for trying to make whats wrong right and am sorry that others have dicked you over on this site.  Hopefully now that you know the rules a bit better you can join the angry mob and be a 'rules stickler' like the rest of us with over 50 trades on this site.

It should be common sense but not when it's been done to me several times already. Thank you for being rational.

You should either report or send messages to the people that did that to you, for their own good, if they don't have alot of trades not reading the rules could easilly get them banned

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

mbknight wrote:

yeah I dont see how if some people are dicks that means you get to use that as an excuse to be one as well.

It sucks they did it to you.  they deserve negative feedback. but if you didnt lose your cards at least you have that much.   

But when you turn around and do the same thing to someone else the next week and thinking that because you 'told him you got a better offer' somehow makes you any different then them then your a hypocrite.  If you didnt want to trade then dont hit the accept button.

Now if it was a non accepted trade and they canceled it on you I dont consider it the same thing. until its confirmed it doesnt matter and yeah I have screwed up as well and had to bite the bullet twice, buying cards i accidentally double traded.   In a few cases where there were issues with the cards i worked things out and THAT Is what communicating with the other person means,  putting effort and possibly more cards on your end (or theirs) to make things right.  Just telling him 'sorry I got a better offer, tough luck' is not being responsible, its you being a jackass for actually thinking that its ok.

Since when is misinterpreting the actions of others and thinking that was common practice being a jackass? I wanted to trade when I made a mistake, I didn't do it with malice and that makes me a jackass?

Last edited by GalacticFisher (2012-10-15 04:17:24)

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

someone throws rocks at your window so you start throwing rocks at other peoples windows. 

Let me clarify I am not calling galactic a jackass if he is trying to make things right. That is somewhat in question at this time so perhaps i can lay off on the name calling but saying 'other people are jerks so i thought its ok to be a jerk' seems absurd and the spirit of this site combined with some common sense would not have had him cancel a trade and use such a lame excuse.

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

mbknight wrote:

someone throws rocks at your window so you start throwing rocks at other peoples windows. 

Let me clarify I am not calling galactic a jackass if he is trying to make things right. That is somewhat in question at this time so perhaps i can lay off on the name calling but saying 'other people are jerks so i thought its ok to be a jerk' seems absurd and the spirit of this site combined with some common sense would not have had him cancel a trade and use such a lame excuse.

My excuse becomes valid when I don't take the action of fairweather trading as being a jerk. I take the action of accepting a trade and then canceling without a word being a jerk. Really this all arose because of different perspectives on other trader's actions.

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

Peripheryy wrote:

Someone did this to me a couple days ago. Not much you can do besides be pissed off. It isn't worth it to leave negative feedback unless they did something more serious, in my opinion. My reputation is still tainted after some guy took a month and a half to mail me $15 worth of cards lol.

Same story here. Guy took 6 weeks to deliver my cards. I didn't even give him a -1, just a 0 as he apparently had RL stuff come up. He responded by giving me a 0 even though my cards were there 4 days after I agreed to trade.

Not a fan of this system.

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

I've had something similar happen to me. I agreed to a trade with someone about a month ago, but they haven't been on since. Hence, I canceled the trade since the person wasn't available to talk to for a whole month. He didn't post his address either.

Also, my general view of this tread:

Last edited by Emopizza (2012-10-15 04:37:25)

Profile | Tradelist | Wishlist
I'll sometimes trade things in my Inventory. It doesn't hurt to ask.

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

bolerodefeu wrote:
Peripheryy wrote:

Someone did this to me a couple days ago. Not much you can do besides be pissed off. It isn't worth it to leave negative feedback unless they did something more serious, in my opinion. My reputation is still tainted after some guy took a month and a half to mail me $15 worth of cards lol.

Same story here. Guy took 6 weeks to deliver my cards. I didn't even give him a -1, just a 0 as he apparently had RL stuff come up. He responded by giving me a 0 even though my cards were there 4 days after I agreed to trade.

Not a fan of this system.

You really need to insist on the other party sending first when trading with people who have low feedback. I had a similar situation happen where the cards took way too long to ship dealing with a new trader. Since then whenever I trade with new guys, I ask them to send first. They're usually fine with it and the ones I've traded with have been exceptionally quick and great to trade with, and your rating serves as security that you'll send after you get them.

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

anubomb wrote:
bolerodefeu wrote:
Peripheryy wrote:

Someone did this to me a couple days ago. Not much you can do besides be pissed off. It isn't worth it to leave negative feedback unless they did something more serious, in my opinion. My reputation is still tainted after some guy took a month and a half to mail me $15 worth of cards lol.

Same story here. Guy took 6 weeks to deliver my cards. I didn't even give him a -1, just a 0 as he apparently had RL stuff come up. He responded by giving me a 0 even though my cards were there 4 days after I agreed to trade.

Not a fan of this system.

You really need to insist on the other party sending first when trading with people who have low feedback. I had a similar situation happen where the cards took way too long to ship dealing with a new trader. Since then whenever I trade with new guys, I ask them to send first. They're usually fine with it and the ones I've traded with have been exceptionally quick and great to trade with, and your rating serves as security that you'll send after you get them.

It's actually in the rules, which you can point out to lower feedback traders who don't want to send first. From the Trade Rules: "If there is no consensus on who sends the cards first, the person with the lower feedback score must. (For equal feeback scores, both send at the same time)" If anyone isn't aware, the trade rules are found here:

EDIT: Also, for people looking for a way to report bad traders, from the Contact and About section: "For technical support or trade mediation you can reach us at"

Last edited by reignofkindo (2012-10-15 04:54:00)

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

GalacticFisher has sent me a message offering me the Aristocrat we agreed to, free of charge. Pretty sure that makes him a God among Men. He made everything right and then some, he just wasn't aware of the rules since some people never bothered following them with him. I'd ask that no one avoid trading with him, as he couldn't possibly have made this more right. I do think that JAKElolz does need some sort of Mod intervention though, as he has done this to at least two people now. But anyway, cheers to GalacticFisher!

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

reignofkindo wrote:

GalacticFisher has sent me a message offering me the Aristocrat we agreed to, free of charge. Pretty sure that makes him a God among Men. He made everything right and then some, he just wasn't aware of the rules since some people never bothered following them with him. I'd ask that no one avoid trading with him, as he couldn't possibly have made this more right. I do think that JAKElolz does need some sort of Mod intervention though, as he has done this to at least two people now. But anyway, cheers to GalacticFisher!

Good man.

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

Peripheryy wrote:
reignofkindo wrote:

GalacticFisher has sent me a message offering me the Aristocrat we agreed to, free of charge. Pretty sure that makes him a God among Men. He made everything right and then some, he just wasn't aware of the rules since some people never bothered following them with him. I'd ask that no one avoid trading with him, as he couldn't possibly have made this more right. I do think that JAKElolz does need some sort of Mod intervention though, as he has done this to at least two people now. But anyway, cheers to GalacticFisher!

Good man.

This is why I don't love the putting out of screen names unless the person has been given the opportunity to right the wrong before posting about it, this trader's reputation seems to have been given a black mark (Even if its small now) based on a misunderstanding of the rules. I applaud GalacticFisher as he seems to have more than righted the wrong and I think perhaps we should give a bit more time before we distribute out names. I'd also like to recommend that this thread be deleted, if this other user needs his own thread then so be it

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

reignofkindo wrote:

GalacticFisher has sent me a message offering me the Aristocrat we agreed to, free of charge. Pretty sure that makes him a God among Men. He made everything right and then some, he just wasn't aware of the rules since some people never bothered following them with him. I'd ask that no one avoid trading with him, as he couldn't possibly have made this more right. I do think that JAKElolz does need some sort of Mod intervention though, as he has done this to at least two people now. But anyway, cheers to GalacticFisher!

Honestly, this is what I always assumed it was. From the way he was talking it didn't seem like he actively trying to rip you off.

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

imsully2 wrote:
Peripheryy wrote:
reignofkindo wrote:

GalacticFisher has sent me a message offering me the Aristocrat we agreed to, free of charge. Pretty sure that makes him a God among Men. He made everything right and then some, he just wasn't aware of the rules since some people never bothered following them with him. I'd ask that no one avoid trading with him, as he couldn't possibly have made this more right. I do think that JAKElolz does need some sort of Mod intervention though, as he has done this to at least two people now. But anyway, cheers to GalacticFisher!

Good man.

This is why I don't love the putting out of screen names unless the person has been given the opportunity to right the wrong before posting about it, this trader's reputation seems to have been given a black mark (Even if its small now) based on a misunderstanding of the rules. I applaud GalacticFisher as he seems to have more than righted the wrong and I think perhaps we should give a bit more time before we distribute out names. I'd also like to recommend that this thread be deleted, if this other user needs his own thread then so be it

Two things:

1. I'm not the one who said his name. I omitted it for a reason.

2. You can't delete threads. I've done everything I can by changing the title, the OP, and making that last post.

Last edited by reignofkindo (2012-10-15 15:27:40)

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

reignofkindo wrote:
imsully2 wrote:
Peripheryy wrote:

Good man.

This is why I don't love the putting out of screen names unless the person has been given the opportunity to right the wrong before posting about it, this trader's reputation seems to have been given a black mark (Even if its small now) based on a misunderstanding of the rules. I applaud GalacticFisher as he seems to have more than righted the wrong and I think perhaps we should give a bit more time before we distribute out names. I'd also like to recommend that this thread be deleted, if this other user needs his own thread then so be it

Two things:

1. I'm not the one who said his name. I omitted it for a reason.

2. You can't delete threads. I've done everything I can by changing the title, the OP, and making that last post. (:

I know, I didnt mean to imply it was you, technically no one actually said the name, just gave a link to it, sorry if that sounded like an accusation sad

This forums mods probably can if you ask them to, not sure who that is tho

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

That reminds me, why do some people (Like you, for instance) have Moderator by their name? At first I thought you guys were mods, but then it became clear that you aren't. Is it just a title you get that's determined by post count?

EDIT: Also, I think the thread should stay up, because it shows that GalacticFisher is a good trader. That way, anyone who saw this thread last night knows that they should trade with him, as that may not have been the impression they walked away with last night.

Last edited by reignofkindo (2012-10-15 15:32:19)

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

reignofkindo wrote:

That reminds me, why do some people (Like you, for instance) have Moderator by their name? At first I thought you guys were mods, but then it became clear that you aren't. Is it just a title you get that's determined by post count?

EDIT: Also, I think the thread should stay up, because it shows that GalacticFisher is a good trader. That way, anyone who saw this thread last night knows that they should trade with him, as that may not have been the impression they walked away with last night.

Each mod has priveliges in different forums, Im not a reddit mod but I am elsewhere.

Its a valid point, i thought about that as well, still not sure which side I agree with lol

Re: GalacticFisher is an excellent trader. Trade with him!

When I talked to him last, he seemed to think it should stay up with the changes I made to it, but that could just be because I thought there was no way to delete it. I know he doesn't want his rep sullied though (and it shouldn't be), so I think this is the best course of action. The topic quite visibly shows that people should trade with him, I think. He didn't know the rules before, but now he does, and it's clear he wasn't being malicious or anything, and is really an exemplary trader. If he does wants me to request that it all be deleted, I certainly will.

EDIT: Also, thanks for explaining the Mod thing. (:

Last edited by reignofkindo (2012-10-15 15:47:19)