Topic: H: a binder W: lots of standard stuff

so i'm going to be at gp san antonio in a few weeks and i would like to have my binder chock full of standard cards. i would like to keep at least a playset of things but would not really care if that doesn't exactly work out. since i'm looking for standard cards i'd much rather start trading out of the non-standard cards i have listed first. some of them will have a premium but most won't.

please do not go by what is on my wishlist as it is not close to up-to-date. so, what cards am i specifically targeting?

4 geist of saint traft
4 thragtusk
4 snapcaster mage
1 hallowed fountain
3 sublime archangel
3 temple garden
3 silverblade paladin
4 angel of serenity
4 restoration angel
4 sphinx's revelation
4 supreme verdict
1 huntmaster of the fells
4 olivia voldaren
4 garruk, primal hunter
4 thundermaw hellkite
4 liliana of the veil
4 jace, architect of thought
3 sorin, lord of innistrad
4 tamiyo, the moon sage
4 thalia, guardian of thraben
4 terminus
3 vexing devil
3 loxodon smiter
3 entreat the angels
3 garruk relentless

i realize i won't come anywhere close to finishing this before the gp but everyone has to start somewhere, right?

Re: H: a binder W: lots of standard stuff

I have sent you an offer.

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: H: a binder W: lots of standard stuff

I have an Arid Mesa and am interested in your Misty Rainforest if you see anything else on my list

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Re: H: a binder W: lots of standard stuff

trade discussion started!

Re: H: a binder W: lots of standard stuff

so looking for the cream of standard. 

sent an offer

Re: H: a binder W: lots of standard stuff

Started trade discussion