Topic: [Standard] Deckbuilding Noob. Help Wanted

Well i just found this awesome site well its a lot easier than the toolset i had for making a list on my computer anyways.

I am wondering i dont have to many cards yet since i just started to play Magic again at the end of this summer.
"quit Magic a while after the ice age"
my problem now is that most people close to where i live is really heavy into magic and its nearly impossible to beat them at any time cause they invest a ton o money and time into the game.

could anyone help me a bit and se if its possible to create any viable deck's from the cards i have?
Preferably in standard  but i could do a modern deck to just to have it.

Premature thanks to any help big_smile

Re: [Standard] Deckbuilding Noob. Help Wanted

Very difficult list to work with simply because most of the cards you have only one copy. I have two suggestions that works with the cards you have. 1) If you want to play standard you have some good cards to try running a G/B deck with focus on your messenger and some other green meanies. 2) This one would really work for you and that would be to try building a EDH deck if you are interested in playing casually and having one copy of cards is exactly what you want. You have two cards that could be very interesting commanders Haakon, Stromgald Scourge and Krenko, Mob Boss.

Both formats have advantages and disadvantages. EDH would be good to play until you can get more playsets of standard cards but it can be difficult to find players depending on your location. Standard is good because there is always someone to play but also its hard for someone just starting out to get going because of the cost.

So either way good luck and hopefully you can get more advice to help you along the way.

Re: [Standard] Deckbuilding Noob. Help Wanted

The cards which you do have in quantity suggest considering blue-white or black-white builds.

Filter your inventory to show only Standard (using the Format filter), and use the Color filter to show exclusively "one of" the two colors you would like to investigate.  That should let you get a good picture of some of the things you can throw together.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: [Standard] Deckbuilding Noob. Help Wanted

Yes i have figured out how to filter the cards.  only deck i have been able to create so faar that is anywhere close to good was a goblin burn hybrid  at modern standard. 

i also managed to build i fun green deck but it needed at least 10 rounds to really get it going but after that it was kicking seriously.

Re: [Standard] Deckbuilding Noob. Help Wanted

I have tried to make a black green deck but still to many cards..   i know its not ideal but is there any comments as to what you think i should pull out and maybe put in ?

Re: [Standard] Deckbuilding Noob. Help Wanted

Built a couple of deck's to try out at Standard   one Green'Black with focus on Zombies and one white'Red with focus on humans.
Initially i believe they look odd but its all because i as stated before dont have to many cards. But i think i might have found a nice synergy effeckt on the buildt decks.   I think the Red white deck might be the best of them. since there are good potential for some bombs.

Any comments to these deck's ?`  and what i should swap out or put into a sideboard?
Green Black

White Red

Re: [Standard] Deckbuilding Noob. Help Wanted

So I think you've pretty well nailed down the fact that you need more multiples of the smaller cards to really make these decks go - namely the commons/uncommons that you have 2-4 of to ensure consistency when you play.

For the B/G, you clearly have a few good cards that have some value (Gravecrawler, Liliana of the Dark Realms, etc), but to be honest, getting a B/G zombie deck to work properly and be competitive outside of the kitchen table is an expensive proposition.   To that end, I would actually advise going with the R/W setup and using those two cards from the B/G deck as trade pieces to secure a few more pieces for the R/W deck.

Now for the R/W deck, again, the first real problem for you is consistency and the second is direction.  You should have a clear direction that leads up to your primary and secondary win conditions.  Thus, you need to ask yourself, how do you envision yourself winning the majority of your games with this deck?  Are you going to overrun them?  How about aggro like crazy?  What are your counter strategies?  How do you deal with a Geist of Saint Traft or Thragtusk?  Or perhaps the better question, can you deal with them?

Given the cards you have, you actually appear to have a variety of win-cons, but none of them is really focused in on very clearly - and many of them can be achieved with only a few things being switched around.  For instance, Hellrider and Fling can prove to be hilarious/devastating pieces, but only when utilized properly.  What were you planning on using Fling on? 

Personally, I would invest a bit more on another Dual Casting or two and then toss in Cathars' Crusade and Thatcher Revolt.  Make the Crusade the absolute top of your mana curve and then try to secure a few Intangible Virtues.  Then you're going to run crazy R/W token aggro.  The idea here is that you can drop tokens from Krenko's Command, Krenko, Thatcher Revolt, Gather the Townsfolk, Midnight Haunting and the like.  Intangible Virtue (and to a lesser degree Phantom General) pumps the tokens.  You have a variety to avoid Detention Sphere and even in the case where you get bogged down, the Crusade will pump them all to be huge - or in another type of pinch, Hellrider lets you attack for fatal damage without ever even hitting them.  Then I would focus much more on removal (Oblivion Ring, Pacifism, Searing Spear, Pillar of Flame, Mizzium Mortars, Annihilating Fire, etc all come to mind).  You can even include a variety of white combat tricks like Rootborn Defenses and even some other fun ones like Trumpet Blast and Dynacharge that could be copied with dual casting to offer huge bonuses on otherwise insignificant attacks.

Lastly, I would suggest going R/W simply because you have more time before that pairing becomes the standard fare (Feb 1 is the official release date for Gatecrash and Boros).  Thus, you might still be able to swing some of the Duals and whatnot for more workable value.

Anyway, mull all this whatnot I've said above over, but keep in mind that you could likely turn this into a pretty competitive deck for somewhere in the $20 range, or just a few well placed trades.

Good luck!