Topic: [Modern] [Opinions] Krenko's Dance Party (revisited)

I took some feedback on this one when it was Standard.  I recently reworked it for Modern.

**UPDATE** I've made some additional changes, based on feedback here.  The deck is now larger (72 cards!), but it is working well.  I took second at Saturday Magic at my LGS this past weekend (in four rounds, no byes).  A couple of the wins were Turn 4.

Mod Krenko's Dance Party 72.

I'd appreciate your feedback.

I've found that swinging early with an Overloaded Dynacharge can surprise many players (T1: Goblin Fireslinger, T2: Krenko's Command, T3: swing with Dynacharge for a potential 9).

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: [Modern] [Opinions] Krenko's Dance Party (revisited)

I'm curious as to if you're planning to use this as a casual deck and just term it "modern" or if you'd like to actually play in modern, if you're planning to play in modern it's gonna need quite a bit of re-working, I can give you some tips for casual and alot of thoughts for a more competitive deck, and either way having shock instead of Lightning Bolt just makes me sad tongue

Re: [Modern] [Opinions] Krenko's Dance Party (revisited)

I am going to be playing it in Modern format events.  It had its first run (and, subsequently, its first tweaks) this past Saturday.  It did quite well.  At that time, I had Pillar of Flame instead of Shock, and didn't have Boggart Shenanigans or Quest for the Goblin Lord.  Honestly, I didn't even realize Lighting Bolt was an options--I modded my original Krenko deck about an hour before I left for Saturday Magic.  I had a few rounds where I landed some early, unblocked Dynacharged swings on turns three and four (in the best case, had my opponent down to 1 at the end of my 4th turn).

I just secured two more each of Goblin Lord and Valakut, so I'll have those available to add in very soon.

I just checked--I have Lightning Bolt, so I'll swap those out.

Fire away with your feedback--it will be welcome here.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: [Modern] [Opinions] Krenko's Dance Party (revisited)

Shameless bump...

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: [Modern] [Opinions] Krenko's Dance Party (revisited)

As with any goblin deck I think Burn at the Stake is one of the best finishers that works with the theme. If it was me I'd probably run three Stakes and an additional dynacharge then sideboard the electrickery. Also I'd think about dropping the Mogg Flunkies and adding two more arms dealer so you have some more removal. Also Goblin Balloon Brigade is a must so that you can have some flying that would receive the bonuses from the Chieftain and King.

Re: [Modern] [Opinions] Krenko's Dance Party (revisited)

Well I'm not sure how much help I'll be in this particular instance because most of the modern I play is quite competitive but here's some more pricey thoughts: Blood Moon, while it may seem bad to lose your Valkut or Cavern think about facing shocklands/fetchlands you could easilly hose people's entire mana bases.

It's also worth noting that Goblin Guide has a significant price tag for a reason, those guys can carry games all on their own, Searing Blaze can also be a powerhouse, 2 lightning bolts stapled together. I'd also say that Bloodmark Mentor is phenomenal in a deck like this, dynacharge with Bloodmark can be a one sided board wipe under the right circumstances another thing that you can consider if you really want to ramp up this deck is that many Mono-Color decks in Modern actually still use Zendikar fetches (Arid Mesa) so that you can thin out your deck (Draw less lands late-game)

Hope something in here helped!

Re: [Modern] [Opinions] Krenko's Dance Party (revisited)

Help me understand why Goblin Guide is so valuable.  Why would I want to give my opponent extra land? Is it simply so you might see the next card coming off the top?

I'm working to find more Bloodmark Mentor.  I wasn't familiar with Blood Moon.  I just received the additional Goblin King and Valakut, I mentioned earlier, though I'm not above neutralizing Valakut to include with Blood Moon.  I didn't realize that Goblin King is a Goblin--I just saw the ruling on Gatherer today.  That's great for the deck.

I also picked up Leyline of Punishment.  It came in handy during a couple of rounds this past weekend.

I'll start saving my pennies for Blood Moon and Arid Mesa.  I never thought of using fetch lands that way.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: [Modern] [Opinions] Krenko's Dance Party (revisited)

HikingStick wrote:

Help me understand why Goblin Guide is so valuable.  Why would I want to give my opponent extra land? Is it simply so you might see the next card coming off the top?

Well it's an unchallenged aggro card, it's extremely hard for control decks to handle since you can't easily counter it, you also have a strong body for virtually nothing, sure they might be able to get a card or two but you can see what's coming up for the most part. Goblins are extremely aggressive and it's one of the strongest goblins around, along with Warren Instigator another card worth considering, also if you're going to drop for Arid Mesas you should also try for a couple Blood Crypts to pull in some strong goblin cards like Fodder Launch and Mad Auntie if you pull in the Warren Instigator it's worth Siege-Gang Commander, consider dropping Instigator t2, hit on t3 then drop a Krenko + Siege Gang off the attack and cast a Goblin Cheiftan, now Krenko has haste and have at least 7 goblins on the field for Krenko to create a whole swarm of now 2/2 goblins, that's pretty aggro

Re: [Modern] [Opinions] Krenko's Dance Party (revisited)

Also this is the goblin build i've been using online for modern so I don't want you to move it too much like this unless you like the way it looks.

Re: [Modern] [Opinions] Krenko's Dance Party (revisited)

Just an update--ran this one at the LGS today and took 2nd place.  I had tweaked the config a bit, so I'll update it here in the morning.

I also played in my first Commander event today.  I came in 3rd out of 8.  Not a bad spot for a first run.

***UPDATE*** The deck has been updated.  It is larger (72 cards!), but it is working well.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.