Topic: Gravecrawler Machine Gun

So after seeing Sam Black's Legacy Zombie Bombardment deck I've been thinking of ideas that would allow me to use Gravecrawler as a Machine Gun in a standard deck. The most obvious cards to include are Blood Artist and Diregraf Captain, I'm trying to work together a build that works, to me it makes the most sense to have a self-mill deck that uses Havengul Lich and Unburial Rites to get stuff back. The lich is a little strange for a deck like this because usually you want to use unburial rites to get stuff that's too big to hardcast, however with a lich out you can get Blood Artists and Diregraf Captains out of the yard. The Grimgrin, Corpse-Borns mainly a free sac outlet to feed the machine gun effect, the rest is just to get the combo active, Thragtusk is mostly cause it's such a powerhouse and I've got a couple sitting around, the Troll is a wall that can be a win condition by its self, what are people's thoughts? I'm keeping x4 Negate in sideboard to protect against Rest in Peace and the Grafdigger's cages, same with nevermore, I'm currently using Forbidden Alchemy rather than Mulch because I often prefer paying one extra and having the chance to keep my Liliana rather than a land or two.

What do we think? Is it viable and do people like the combo?