Topic: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

The trade was agreed upon 10 days ago. I put my cards in the mail 9 days ago and they arrived 4 days ago. He has yet to put his cards in the mail, yet to confirm receiving mine, yet to reply to my inquiries and has been online this whole time.

If anyone remembers the email for contacting the deckbox team, I would appreciate having it. This site is with its lack of reprimands is starting to get on my nerves.

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

You're welcome to e-mail regarding the trade.

However, outside of flagging the account, there isn't much the site admins can do (or any site's admins for that matter).  Hopefully you sent with DC so you can pursue possible mail fraud or other venues of possible recourse.

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

I always send with DC now. He should be considered a respectable trader by the rep system so I'm unsure why he hasn't responded. If people would just learn to communicate, I would be much happier. hehe sad

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

I am in the same situation with the same trader.  I sent my cards on the 12th, and the last time I heard from them was the 14th.  I know they've seen my message, and I'm getting REALLY frustrated with the lack of communication.

I'm hoping it's just a major delay and that I will get my cards eventually.  hmm

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

Are we talking about Dakon444? I haven't heard anything from him since dec 10, and he is online 24hours/day....

"nowa90    (they are) sent       24 Nov
nowa90    any news?     09 Dec
Dakkon4444    still awaitng their arrival    10 Dec"
Not quite sure what to do either..

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

Yes, we are.  What upsets me is that he has a HUGE list of on-going trades, and over half of them have been started or edited after our trades were made.

I just want to get the cards I traded for (or get back the ones I sent).  sad

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

I have a trade with him ongoing as well, and have completed one with him previous to this one.
Maybe it's just the season?

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

Just want to point out that just because your avatar says your online doesn't necessary mean your sitting a computer. I know that if I'm logged on at work and I leave my computer on with the page still open it says Im still logged on. I've had people chatting with me thinking I was there in the trade window thinking I was goin to answer when in reality I hadn't been actually online all weekend. By no means is that an excuse I'm just pointing it out.

As for dakkon, I know from my previous trade with him that he was backed up on trades and was working to fix some issues he had with other ones (ie sent me a foil cliff top retreat instead of a foil sulfur falls) it did take alittle longer to get squared away even though we both live in the same state.

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, especially because he's completed so many trades in the past.  I know things can get hectic, especially around the Holidays, so as long as I get my cards, I'll be satisfied.

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

i have traded with him before and he was good on that trade and also i have a trade set up with him and no comment sense the 10th and all his trades he has to go through i can understand why there has been no comment in a while

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

You should definitely contact an admin while you wait. The admin will poke the trader on your behalf, and they tend to respond when someone else steps in.

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

I think it's funny considering that he posted this thread a while ago:

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

I'm glad to know that he's a reputable trader (as I guessed he would be).  Hopefully he'll make good on his trades sooner rather than later.

I think that as a whole, this community needs to establish a higher expectation for communication.  I think all of us are understanding about issues, but only if we get informed about them.  If it's been over a week and I haven't heard anything, that's where I have a bit of a problem.  Dropping a quick note in the chat and saying, "Hey, sorry about the delay, will get cards out by X," doesn't take that long.  Even warning the person you're trading with ahead of time about possible delays because of travel, work schedules, school, or life would be a great.

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

I have a trade active with him, but this is the very reason I make sure DC is active before I send.

I've had two trades now "changed" once my stuff was in the mail. Honest mistakes probably, but I still just assume it'll always happen.

He did tell me in our trade he's super busy over the holidays.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
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Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

I sent with my DC because I assumed he was trustworthy enough to simul-send without an issue the day after. hmm

I do agree with Tizzy about the issue with communication within this community.

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

I have a trade with him. December 12, he proposed the trade, we made the deal, and accepted on both ends, confirmed our addresses. December 12th, I mailed mine, December 13th he mailed his, and today, December 22nd, he received my cards. Very quick for me.

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

He replied! smile Wish there was a reply sooner but at least it came.

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

Lucky for me only 4 of the cards are ones I really need right now, but still no word from him....

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

Got a reply and my cards are in the mail!  Glad to have the matter settled.

Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

Sorry guys, Im just getting back into the country so sorting out trades from outside the US off smart phones is just not possible. That said I guess lets address this one at a time.

nowa90 wrote:

Lucky for me only 4 of the cards are ones I really need right now, but still no word from him....

I still have yet recieved your cards. Im not saying this from an angry place, it is just an unfortunate fact. as a person of a lower rating (which correct me if I am wrong about this, lower ratings send first right?) I have not sent your cards out. That said, I will respectfully send without receiving your cards in order to ensure that the 4 cards you need are received faster than your items have taken to get to me. Hopefully they are stuck in the post somewhere. Did you send with a DC#?

iamsolipsism wrote:

I sent with my DC because I assumed he was trustworthy enough to simul-send without an issue the day after. hmm

I do agree with Tizzy about the issue with communication within this community.

Gonna be honest with you, I thought you have a lower rating than what you had which is why I did not send at the same time. Thats my error

Vincentarasin wrote:

I have a trade active with him, but this is the very reason I make sure DC is active before I send.

I've had two trades now "changed" once my stuff was in the mail. Honest mistakes probably, but I still just assume it'll always happen.

He did tell me in our trade he's super busy over the holidays.

I can understand that you are frustrated about changed/cancelled trades man. That sucks. For the record, I have not cancelled a trade with you. Because of the amount of trades i recieve and the super limited time I know have with my business, being a single parent, and having one of the WORST post offices in the US, thats why Ive made it known to traders that if there is a rush, please cancel the trade because Im just that busy. Thanks for understanding and being receptive (will look over our trade this weekend/holiday).

Any other issues please contact me through direct email as its much easier for me to respond. I applaude iamsolipsism for taking the time to address the board as it does help in open communication with the members and allows dialogue to help reach a resolution. We need more of this from time to time. Also i like to thank Sabatian for getting a hold of me while in Europe via email. I take no offense to you or anyone in this post for expressing your concerns and take full responsibility for all issue within my control. Please enjoy your holiday and contact me via email (best option) or chat if there are any issues or concerns you may have at the current time that have not been already addressed today (dec. 22nd via chat).



Re: Not sure what I'm supposed to do here...

Please give him the benefit of doubt. I've always had no problems trading with him!!!