Topic: Adding details about cards???

Has the function of being able to add details about individual cards been removed? For several cards I have multiples of the card but individual cards may be from different sets, different condition, prom, foil or something else. When I add a card or for cards that I have already added  (over 3k  individual cards with around 11k inventory) I do not have the option to leave details on each individual card as before the current update. Is there something I'm missing or has option been removed entirely? If it has been removed...I would love to see it reinstated as I have several cards that have cards of various conditions, foils, sets and so forth. Being able to add details for each card was very useful to me.

If I'm just missing where the add details for individual cards of a single name is located....please let me know.

Also. I really miss a few of  the columns that have been removed (power / toughness). I found it very usefull as well.

Just my 2 cents.

Other then that.  Great site and keep up the great work.

Re: Adding details about cards???

It has moved to the right side; hover over it and click; like this:

Re: Adding details about cards???

Thank you for the reply. I have found that already. Back before the update...when you would click to edit card would have a separate line for each card that you have in your inventory. So...If I have 11 x Price of Progress cards...there would be 11 different lines (1 for each individual card) that would populate so you could add details about each individual card (condition, set, promo, foil and such). Now when I click the edit details does not allow you to give details for individual cards of the name.

It allows you to change:

Quantity values for Inventory and Trade Lists.
Choose which set
Choose Condition
Choose Foil, textless, promo or signed

As well as check if you have any of the cards in decks or in active trades.

These are all great options.

I'm looking to being able to add individual details for each card of a particular name. I do have 11 x Price of Progress cards as mentioned above. They are not all in the same condition so I really liked the option to give details for each individual card. Especially considering many cards have been produced in more then 1 set.

Re: Adding details about cards???

Hi timmay,

There is actually a button for what you want to do, although it may be a bit too hidden to notice at a first glance. Please have a look below:

Click on the edit details icon:

The dialog will pop up with all your 11 cards grouped together. Now you have to click the small blue icon on the left to split these cards. One click will create 1 + 10, one more will create 1 + 1 + 9, etc.:

The split will look like this: