Topic: favicon.ico

Can you add a small icon as /favicon.ico on the web server so that bookmarks and tabs have an icon that users can associate with

Re: favicon.ico

Since the new release we do have a favicon: (refresh the page if you don't see it properly at first)

Chrome (possibly also other browsers) aggressively cache it though, so it might be that you will only see the favicon when Chrome decides it's time to refresh it for you smile

Re: favicon.ico

I'm running Firefox and when I try to load favicon.ico I get an error:

The image "" cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

Hmmm..... It displays OK in Opera.  I'll try restarting Firefox and see if that fixes it.  It's probably just cached oddly.

Thanks for your quick response.  I hate seeing empty boxes on my bookmarks bar.

Re: favicon.ico

Just to follow up, everything works properly now.  I like the icon.