Topic: Skystar.

I had a trade going with Skystar,

All of a sudden, after not really hearing from him I see a CANCEL trade email and was like WTF. I gave him a bad rating and chalked it up for a loss. He chatted me and said his cousin had gone thru and canceled his trades.

I DID get the cards, just got em in fact. I would like to recind my -1 rating and change that and the content to be more fitting.

Also, is there any way to UN-CANCEL a trade?


Tradelist  |  Wishlist

Re: Skystar.

I'm forwarding the permalink for your post to Sebi via

It will be interesting to see if his other trades end positively.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.

Re: Skystar.

We've uncanceled the trade and removed your feedback. Feel free to finish it now and leave feedback as you wish.

Moving this from Bad Trading Reports to Site Feedback as it is not in fact a Bad Trading Report, even if it is relevant to a currently open one.

Re: Skystar.

Thank you! Hope everything gets worked out with everyone else!

Tradelist  |  Wishlist

Re: Skystar.

sebi wrote:

We've uncanceled the trade and removed your feedback. Feel free to finish it now and leave feedback as you wish.

Moving this from Bad Trading Reports to Site Feedback as it is not in fact a Bad Trading Report, even if it is relevant to a currently open one.

This is extremely interesting to me. Sebi - can you confirm if he has responded to the mods yet?

The cards I had sent him in Dec were recently (yesterday) picked up by someone in New Orleans...I received the confirmation of delivery. So this makes me unsure whether to file a mail fraud report and separate bad trade report or wait a while and see if anything turns up. Granted the value of my deal was substantially more material than Neill's.

Edit: Spelling

Last edited by 15thPrime (2013-01-09 00:36:55)

Re: Skystar.

I wonder if that was one of the silverblade paladins he received from me. I still haven't heard from him.