Topic: Foiled Again!

I'm not a fan of foil cards, so I'd like to get rid of a bunch of them - some are obviously worth a bit more than others, but there aren't any big money cards here, so... if you want something, let me know. I'm sure I'll be able to find cards that I want in return. It'd be awesome if everything went to the same person, but if not, no biggie.

Azorius Charm
Wolfir Silverheart
Increasing Savagery
Hypersonic Dragon x2 (Intro Deck)
Security Blockade
Sightless Ghoul
Deadly Allure
Afflicted Deserter/Werewolf Ransacker
Clinging Mists
Favor of the Woods
Tarland, Sky Summoner
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord (probably from Intro Deck?)
Niblis of the Urn
Acidic Slime (FNM)
Spiritual Asylum
Favorable Winds
Vampire Outcasts
Goblin Medics
Tormented Pariah/Rampaging Werewolf

Mountain (Mercadian Masques 346/350)
Forest (Odyssey 347/350)

If you have any questions - let me know!

Last edited by asmodeanreborn (2013-01-12 22:48:00)

Re: Foiled Again!

I'd be interested in the two charms

Re: Foiled Again!

Interested in the foil increasing savagery

Re: Foiled Again!

I love old foiled lands, if you see anythine of mine, I'll take 'em

Re: Foiled Again!

I'm interested in the FNM Acidic Slime, Clinging Mists, and the Silverhearts.

Re: Foiled Again!

While I'd prefer to send as many of the cards as possible to one person, I'll start looking at what people have soon. I just want it to be worth it to actually do the trades, so if somebody speaks up and wants a majority of the cards, they'll have priority for obvious reasons.

Re: Foiled Again!

I'm interested in the Azorius Charm and Increasing Savagery let me know!