Topic: {Standard} {Help} Mechanics of this Deck

I think I have too much going on, but its coming closer together. Any thoughts?

Last edited by Numb007 (2013-01-11 21:10:55)

Re: {Standard} {Help} Mechanics of this Deck

It seems like you have too much land without a way to spend the extra mana on late turns of a game.  I'm also not entirely sold on the green aspect of the deck.

I would cut Slitterhead for three more Pulse Trackers and a Blood Seeker.  Radha seems out of place, but I don't know exactly what to replace her with.  I would cut Jarad's Orders for the two extra Grisly Salvage as the instant speed and lower mana cost should help you find your creatures that you're looking for.  I would look for a couple more cheap vampires for the extra slots that are still open as your mana curve seems a bit lacking on the low end.  It may be worth cutting a Mark of the Vampire or two as you probably don't need to cast more than one during a game.

Re: {Standard} {Help} Mechanics of this Deck

Thanks yeah the qty of the cards did not save earlier. Thanks for the suggestion, I tweaked it a bit. I think its a little smoother now.

Re: {Standard} {Help} Mechanics of this Deck

That looks like it should play a lot better as two colors and with the lower casting cost creatures.  I would bump the mana up to 22 (probably cutting a Crossway Vampire and Bloodline Keeper) so that you don't get stuck on 3 mana.  20 land is just too little unless 3 mana is the top end of your mana curve.

Re: {Standard} {Help} Mechanics of this Deck

Yeah that played a lot more fluidly than before. 2-2 in a 10 person double elim stand. tourn. 0-2 before the edit. thanks

Last edited by Numb007 (2013-01-15 14:35:30)

Re: {Standard} {Help} Mechanics of this Deck

I just noticed that now with the edit, it dropped to extended from standard. oh no

because of pulse tracker and urge to feed

Last edited by Numb007 (2013-01-15 14:36:52)