Adaptive Snapjaw
SIMIC: 3.0 GRUUL:2.5 - This is one of the better green commons of the set. Its small toughness is there for evolve and a starting 6 power for 5 is nothing to sneeze at. It will make into most green limited deck and by the way, it is just a common.
Alpha Authority
SIMIC: 1.0 GRUUL: 1.5 – I see this card a bit better in Gruul because of bloodrush and how you don’t want your opponent to 2-1 you by killing the attacking creature that gets bloodrushed but I’m not a fan of it. It will see moderately play here and there but nothing great about it.
Burst of Strength
SIMIC: 2.5 GRUUL: 2.0 -This card is not awesome but it does act like removal by having the Untap clause. Giving a +1/+1 counter is relevant because of evolve and the +1/+1 theme of Simic overall. It is a decent combat trick.
SIMIC: 2.5 GRUUL:2.0 - Lovely little fellow. I see it played in all green decks. 1/3 can block many early drops and the fact that it can grow and block flyers gives it a huge upside. Plus, it’s a Crocodile Frog. How awesome is that?
Crowned Ceratok
SIMIC: 3.5 GRUUL: 3.0 – One of the greatest green uncommon out there. 4/3 for 4 that gives trample to almost all Simic creatures and to some of your Gruul guys if you had moved/put a counter somehow on it. Also, that stats, as I said are quite good on this one and it has Trample on its own so it should be a great asset for Gruul players too.
Disciple of the Old Ways
SIMIC:1.5 GRUUL: 3.0 – Great bear for Gruul here. The ability is very good with bloodrush and I can see it played a lot in the following months. Simic doesn’t need it that much because it has its own ways to block 2/2’s but I feel that Naya and Gruul will love it.
Experiment One
SIMIC: 3.0 GRUUL: 2.0 – One drop that grows? Sign me up. I know this is not as good as Cloudfin Raptor but it does block a lot in the late game and it can swing for 4 or more in the late game so It’s not your ordinary 1 drop.
Forced Adaptation
SIMIC: 2.5 GRUUL: 2.5 – I feel this enchantment is really good both in Simic and in Gruul and if left unchecked it can win the game in a few turns. Sure it is slow, it’s an aura but hey, it enables crazy fun stuff with Simic Manipulator and Gyre Sage (rares, but the interaction seems great)
Giant Adephage
SIMIC:3.5 GRUUL: 4.0 – Well, a bomb is a bomb. Mythic status for great reason. This big Insect will squash any opponent after the first attack. Not first pickable because of the high mana cost but it is a game ending bomb.
Greenside Watcher
[img]SIMIC: 2.0 GRUUL:2.0[/img]– Ramp if you play gates, bad bear if you don’t . Still, I’d main deck him even with 2-3 gates in the deck. Seems fine overall.
Gyre Sage
SIMIC: 2.5 GRUUL: 3.0 – Seems pretty good in Simic but very good in Gruul. It can just get all those big monsters into play a lot faster and he will be a bigger beater also. In Simic he can abuse Zameck Guildmage’s abilities at least.
SIMIC: 3.5 GRUUL: 1.5 – Now this thing can go from overpowered to just an ok card. It basically wants to be played by every Simic deck out there. So many blowouts can be done by it that I will be quite afraid of 3 mana open against Simic when I hope for trades. In Gruul It’s just a prevent combat damage spell.
Ivy Lane Denizen
SIMIC: 2.5 GRUUL: 2.5 – This Denizen is a bit more expensive than the others but for good reasons. He is gonna put a lot of counters on creatures if left on the table. The 2/3 stats are also good in a format where 3 toughness is the place to be.
Miming Slime
SIMIC: 3.0 GRUUL: 3.0 – This token makes is powerful in both green strategies. You will almost always make a 3/3 or bigger creature because of the growing power that Green creatures tend to have. It’s better than Slimming Ooze some times because it is more cheaper but the lack of Populate makes it weaker overall.
SIMIC: 0.5 GRUUL: 0.5 – I will call this a sideboard for the moment but I’m sure in DGM-GTC-RTR it might be a mainboard card because of the so many good enchantments Wizards have printed.
Ooze Flux
SIMIC: 4.0 GRUUL: 1.0 – The range for Ooze Flux is pretty fantastic from bomb to unplayable. It works so well wih the Simic ability that it doesn’t matter it’s unplayable in other strategies. Lucky for the Simic player if this thing tables in draft. It is an incredible card. Just think that you can remove 3 counters from among evolved creatures just to evolve them again when you put the ooze and the repeat the process for just 1G. Feels so powerful.
Predator's Rapport
SIMIC:0.00 GRUUL:0.00 – Trap card for beginners. If anyone can find a reason to play this card they might have to learn a bit more about magic in general. For other details you should remember cards like Heroes Reunion or Angel’s Mercy.
Rust Scarab
SIMIC: 3.5 GRUUL: 3.5 – I know that Naturalize does not deserve this stats but this Naturalize on a huge stick is more then welcomed. It is a great card. It evolves your dudes well, it is great in Gruul if you can give it trample and silences the table upon landing. Also, pretty relevant number of enchantments lurking in the format with keyrunes being great targets too.
Scab-Clan Charger
SIMIC: 2.0 GRUUL: 2.0 – Nothing to tell a story about but it does its job well. I’d play it in both simic and Gruul both for evolving others or bloodrushing other creatures. It is a fine blocker also. Kills many creatures in the format. Too bad it’s no rogue…
Serene Remembrance
SIMIC: 0.00 GRUUL: 0.00 – Some of you might not be with me in this but this card does not feel like it belongs here. I know they printed it for various reasons but Limited ain’t one of them. Stay away from it.
Skarrg Goliath
SIMIC: 4.0 GRUUL: 4.0 – Expensive? Yes. Does it matter that much? No. With 7 mana you should always be able to win the game with this. Very rarely you will cast it. Maybe on an empty board.
SIMIC: 2.5 GRUUL: 2.5 – The beast is hungry. It is good for evolve decks and for bloodrush ones. Play it in all green decks you concont in limited. You will be amazed by its power. It might be better than 2.5.
Spire Tracer
SIMIC: 2.0 GRUUL: 2.0 – This is a 1/1 for 1 but its ability warrants it better than other one drops just because he has a good form of evasion. Put an enchantment, bloodrush it or put a counter on it and it becomes much much better.
Sylvan Primordial
SIMIC: 2.5 GRUUL: 2.5 – The weakest of the Primordials by far for Limited. He might be amazing in EDH but here he’s just a 7 mana big dork that blocks flyers all day. Destroying noncreature permanents is not that relevant in Limited and grabbing a Forest is just good for thining the deck at that point.
Tower Defense
SIMIC: 1.5 GRUUL: 1.5 – An ok trick.Wouldn’t rate it higher than this. Blocks and kill most common flyers if targeted at least a 2-3 power creature.
Verdant Haven
SIMIC: 2.5 GRUUL: 2.5 – I love this card. Both for limited and constructed. It is good old ramp with a twist. The life gain won’t mean much but enabling 3-4 color decks is something amazing for limited. Pick them high if you plan on going 3+ colors. It ramps and it fixes, similar to Axebane Guardian.
Wasteland Viper
SIMIC: 2.5 GRUUL: 2.5 – Probably the best one drop of the set for limited. Deathtouch gives so much potential to this card.
Wildwood Rebirth
SIMIC: 2.0 GRUUL: 2.0 – Great regrowth for creatures or better said Disentomb in Green. The fact that it is an instant and can bring back big green dudes or rare/mythic bombs gives it much potential than good old Disentomb. I expect to see this card being played.
The Barbaric guild is once again with us. This time it shows itself as one of the most potent guild for limited purposes. Bloodrush is such a good mechanic for limited that many will push it or push cards with bloodrush just because they are so flexible. It is like giving a creature you control Haste (with the downside of having it die at the end of the turn, but it doesn’t matter that often because you should be able to kill your opponent with a bloodrushed creature most of the time or at least get rid of one big blocker)
Gruul wants some of these:
A) Big beaters
B) Lots of bloodrush guys (they count as combat tricks because of the obvious)
C) Ramp (you want to get out your fatties as soon as possible)
D) Removal for flyers
Borborygmos Enraged
2.0 – I like Borborygmos a lot but his potential is somewhere on the constructed grounds. In limited you will most likely not get to him and since he costs so much it is quite hard to have lands in hand when you cast it. Maybe after an attack you can find a land or two but after an attack your opponent should be dead to its 7/6 trample status. He is the weakest of the bunch but all due to its mana cost.
Clan Defiance
4.5 – Crazy removal and Fireball card . This can be a 3-1 so many times in this format. It is a bomb, real bomb, play it, pick It, hit with it.
Domri Rade
4.0 – Planeswalkers are planeswalkers. He comes down early, has Fight stuck on it for just -2 and can draw cards from time to time. Not to mention that if you get to ultimate it…GG.
Frenzied Tilling
0.5 – weak card in limited since very rarely you will want to ramp on turn 5 to get to 7 earlier. Also, the land destruction does not feel so good at that point. Into the maw of Hell was the only good land destruction for limited I have seen in quite a while.
Ghor-Clan Rampager
3.0 – This card is bonquers. Such great power of a 4drop. In limited he will be first pick material, no doubt.
Ground Assault
3.0 – One of the best removal spells for Gruul at uncommon. Nothing can compare to Clan Defiance but this one does the job well too. You will mostly hit for 4-5 which is perfect for killing pesky creatures.
Gruul Charm
0.5 – I can’t see too many applications for this thing in limited. And since I gave to Dimir charm such a low grade I must give the same to this thing. Actually this one is worse then the Dimir Charm which might be a 1.5-2.0 after some more thinking has been done on the format.
Gruul Ragebeast
4.0 – Bombastic-Bomb. Enters the battlefield, removes the biggest threats and starts bashing next turn.
Primal Visitation
1.5 – This will be a Giant Growth on a stick 90% of the time. The haste won’t be that relevant and that’s why I’m inclined not to ever play. If you find a reason to do, then go ahead and have fun with it.
3.0 – Weaker than other promos but definitely not a card to laugh at. He will at least be a 6/6 when he lands or hit for a bunch if bloodrushed.
Ruination Wurm
2.5 – Big old stupid wurm. Much desired by fans in every set. Will be a finished from time to time but not that great because of its vanilla-ness.
Signal the Clans
2.5 – I would try this card in limited. It seems fun and you can just search for the best 3 creature cards each and everytime. The randomness does not matter that much. At least you’re not giving the opponent the chance to choose which one. Being an instant and the fact that it replaces itself makes it playable.
Skarrg Guildmage
3.5 – This is the Skaarg. I honestly do not like its design. The first ability seem pathetic but it will be relevant. I just don’t like it as a design point of view. The second one feels much cooler and does give you what Koth of the Hammer used to give players but it costs some mana to activate and can, in some matches, be blocked by big toughness creatures. Thinking of also bloodrushing the land seems kind of ambitios. Still, it’s a bear, it is a guildmage and as most say, he will see play a lot.
Zhur-Taa Swine
3.5 – This card has an awesome name, great stats and nice ability. Giving +5/+4 for 3 seems fantastic and I actually feel like it’s the best Gruul design so far. Very good in limited also.
Burning-Tree Emissary
3.0 – Basically a free 2 drop bear. I would play in almost any Gruul deck because it leaves mana open for bloodrushing other guys in and a 2/2 is very good on its own.
Pit Fight
3.5 – Here we have one of the best green removal spells ever. An instant over a sorcery makes this card so much better than Prey Upon was. And even Prey Upon was often first or second picked in draft. This one gives removal to the non-removal color and since it can be played with red also, it is a good tool for Boros also. I will be played in Gruul, Boros, Simic and the combinations of those. So much flexibility and power in just one card. Love it.
Rubblebelt RaIders
4,0 – This Boros-hidden card rewards you so much more with battalion cards than with Bloodrush. Another good toy for the Boros, like they did not have enough already.
Armored Transport
2.0 (Gruul:3.5)– It wants to be played aggressively with Boros or Gruul but it comes down on turn 3 and is a 2/1 . I guess it is intended for Gruul so in a gruul deck I would not only play it but also value it high.
Boros Keyrune
2,0 – One of the not so good keyrunes of Ravnica. Double strike is relevant but is not an effect well enough to warrant paying 2 mana to make a 1/1 every turn. Also, there color do not need the ramp so much.
Dimir Keyrune
3.0 – Ciphering something onto this seems sweet. The ramp is very good in Dimir and the only problem I can find with this card is that if the Dimir deck is a Mill one it might not do too much other than ramp.
Glaring Spotlight
3.5 – The hexproof denial is of no importance in limited but do not dismiss this card. It makes all your dudes unblockable for colorless mana. Play it in Boros, Simic, Gruul and be amazed by how good it is when you sac it an attack for lethal.
Gruul Keyrune
3.0 – The Gruul Keyrune is not that great. 3/2 trample is not even as good as a 3/3 vanilla. And the Selesnya Keyrune was not even that good. The only great thing about it is that Gruul does need the Ramp to work better so it does deserve 3.0 just for that.
Illusionist's Bracers
1.5 – I don’t think I would play this in limited. It requires a certain strategy that most limited cards aren’t gonna make it in.
Millennial Gargoyle
2.5 – Bird for colorless mana? Sold. Some decks will really want this gargoyle even if he seems small. Even Boros can play it at certain times if they need that 22nd or 23rd card to work with. Evasion gives it the much needed more.
Orzhov Keyrune
4.0 – Probably the best Keyrune for limited. Not only does Orzhov need the ramp but it also wants a ¼ body with lifelink to stem the bleeding and gain some life in the process. Great concept for limited.
Prophetic Prism
2.5 – Color fixing with cantrip is quite good in a slow format where you will like to try 4-5 color decks. If the format does turn out to be as fast as speculated, this card might not make maindeck that often. Still, if you play 3 colors I think it is much needed piece to make it work. It is common so it is possible to find it in most booster packs. Get ready for 5 color control because it will be possible in the near future.
Razortip Whip
1.5 – It whips the opponent but it is really slow and unlike Extort, which feels the same, does not gain life. I’ll call it unplayable for now.
Riot Gear
2.0 – This equipment is good. It will be okay in some decks though not awesome. It is too slow for Boros, it does not help Simic Evolve and Gruul already has big beasts. Still, some Dimir decks will find it useful to be able to block better.
Simic Keyrune
2.5 – 2/3 is relevant for blocking in this format so this card will be played. The hexproof isn’t that relevant but you can stop the artifact removal for just 2 mana. Think about that too.
Skyblinder Staff
2.0 - A weird sort of unblockability. I would play with the Green 1 drop that can’t be blocked by creatures without flying or reach. This way I can turn it into a creature that can only be blocked by guys with Reach (Crocanura to the rescue).
Utility Land:
Thespian's Stage
1.0 – Fun card but do not play it in limited. In a 5 color control I might try it but in a normal deck it will slow you down too much to be ok to play it.
Si in final va urez tuturor multa bafta maine la Prerelease. La cat mai multe victorii!
Si nu uitati, esential este sa va simititi bine!
Last edited by TudorGrigoroaia (2013-01-25 17:48:29)