Topic: [Advice/Suggestions] Red/Black Aggro

Looking for some suggestions for common and uncommon cards to use in a Red/Black aggro deck. The deck is going to be heavily altered, and I'm still unsure of myself with painting, so I'm looking for easily obtained and affordable cards for this while still having the deck functional for casual play even if it is no longer tournament legal. It's pretty much going to be a for the lulz deck due to possible reactions it may get. [[Long story short friend dared me to make an mlp altered red/black aggro deck and I took him up on it.]]

Also I haven't actually started constructing] the deck as I want to see what I can actually manage to pick up from the local shop first. But I want to go in with a list of cards to focus on so I can just go through everything quickly. Please not that between me and my boyfriend we've already got some of these cards in bulk, I'm just looking for some extras of them in case of the inevitable screw ups.

Public Execution
Searing Spear
Chandra's Fury
Agonizing Demise
Barbed Lightning
Flaring Pain
Lightning Bolt

Lava Axe
Soul Burn
Maw of the Mire

Mark of the Vampire
Volcanic Strength
Claws of Valakut

Liliana's Shade
Hooded Kavu
Pouncing Kavu
Scoria Cat
Bladetusk Boar
Child of Night
Giant Scorpion
Grotuesque Hybrid
Severed Legion
Rakdos Crackler
Rakdos Shred-Freak
Thrill-Kill Assassin

Re: [Advice/Suggestions] Red/Black Aggro

I guess I don't get what you're getting at here.  You just want lists of common and uncommon cards that might work? You could search the card database for that.

I think you'll find people have a much easier time providing suggestions when you are already working a concept.  Perhaps describe what your central cards will be, and then others might be able to help you flesh things out.

Example: I plan to flood the board with low-cost creatures and then use Hellriderto dish the pain.

Profile - Wishlist - Tradelist

Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.