Topic: Local Trades Anyone?

Hello everyone.

My name is Adam. You might know me or have seen me around. I usually play at I'm Board or Misty Mt.

I am looking for some local trades. If I have/want what you want/have, maybe we can meet up and make a trade. It will save me from spending so much money on postage.

Re: Local Trades Anyone?

Trade offer sent.

ADally wrote:

Hello everyone.

My name is Adam. You might know me or have seen me around. I usually play at I'm Board or Misty Mt.

I am looking for some local trades. If I have/want what you want/have, maybe we can meet up and make a trade. It will save me from spending so much money on postage.

Re: Local Trades Anyone?

Hello Adam and dorvaan
I would gladly do local trades. Most of what I have is in my inventory. Some very recent stuff has not made it onto this list yet. I'd be looking for legacy staples/playables. I prefer to keep playsets and at the very least one of's for EDH purposes.