Topic: Crosspost on safe trading practices.

Not sure how you guys feel about posting from other sites, but I wanted to give MOTL the props on this one. If this is a no-no, just let me know, and don't banhammer me please. … 21766.html

Re: Crosspost on safe trading practices.

frankenskid wrote:

Not sure how you guys feel about posting from other sites, but I wanted to give MOTL the props on this one. If this is a no-no, just let me know, and don't banhammer me please. … 21766.html

No problem, discussion's always good. That seems like a comprehensive list of guidelines.

Which of them do you think are missing from our own guidelines document? What should we add or rephrase?

Re: Crosspost on safe trading practices.

If you could address the question I posted in that would be a great start, as the confirmed trade action needs to be a bit more clear IMO. I will read and compare and let you know sebi.

Re: Crosspost on safe trading practices.

Also if you could list the people's email address they put on here in the trade, it would help with faster verification of not being on the BTL of other sites as that seems to be how they do it.