Topic: First Deck Build Attempt (Dimir)

I'm new to the game (2 weeks) and have purchased several gatecrash boosters, a fat pack, did my first booster draft, and now am interested in upgrading the intro deck I originally purchased (Dimir Dementia). I also have a Wrack and Rage deck that I'd like to keep intact as it seems to play pretty well. I'm not looking to get super competitive, but would like to work on making a deck or two out of cards I've gotten out of packs. I'm not very interested in purchasing singles. I plan on getting most of my future cards via booster drafts. Maybe I'll snag a Ravnica Fat Pack at some point.

The deck can be found here, and in the sideboard I placed all the blue/black appropriate cards I own.

Any tips would be appreciated!


Re: First Deck Build Attempt (Dimir)

To help out, we are going to need a little more information. 
Are you looking to go deeper into the Milling (taking cards out of the library and into the graveyard) theme?
Are you looking to use cipher spells?

Dimir can be played a couple of different ways.  Milling an opponents entire library into the graveyard for the win can be fun, but is difficult to pull off.

Dimir also has lots of creatures with evasion abilities (flying, intimidate, unblockable, etc).  Perhaps you want to build a more standard deck that utilizes these type of creatures, along with removal cards, and counter magic.

The Dimir pre-constructed deck is decent, but seems to be going a couple of different ways.  Personally I think its better to focus on one aspect and try to make that the best it can be.

Good luck,

Re: First Deck Build Attempt (Dimir)

Kaffieen's comments are pretty spot on. You might give us some more focus on which way you'd like to go.

Also, if you're going Dimir, don't mess with Ravnica fatpacks.

You actually want to look at pack prices specifically, in buying cards. Fatpacks usually are the worst way to buy cards.
Consider this, a fatpack has 9 booster packs (and some lands, dice, etc).
Starcitygames (which is usually more expensive than most major card shops) sells gatecrash packs at 3$/per. So that's $27, to get those same 9 booster packs. You won't typically find fatpacks for less than ~$38 in a store. That means you're over paying bigtime buying fatpacks.

Don't buy boosters at walmart, you're almost always better off going to a game shop to buy them. Walmart charges $4 a booster. Card shops are usually 3.

There *are* ways to get cards for cheaper. I compete locally (in the south east), and my local card shop gives prizes in booster packs, boxes, and fatpacks. I generally sell fatpacks *all* the time. My post on that is here:

You can do the math, but if you're buying 2 or more, I can get them to you cheaper than *anywhere* else can smile

On to your deck. With direction, we can help you focus it a bit more. I can tell you Dimir is a very solid middle tier deck. Your local card shop probably has FNM (unless you live in the boonies, in which case you'll need to use wizard's site to find a place). They will have prizes for FNM. Different shops do it differently. Some charge some money to play in FNM, some don't. Free places typically don't have much prizes. If you're paying to play, you should get *at least* a booster ever time. Doesn't mean its the best way to get cards, but it's A way.

If you do well, they have prizes for the higher win-ratio players.

I will tell you, you can get a good dimir deck for a *lot* less money than a good Boros deck, or something else. However, the reason is: Dimir isn't as good. Plain and simple. I'm not saying it's bad, but other color combonations will win more frequently. Those decks are also going to be 2-5x as much money to build. It just all depends on what you're able to do.

I would absolutely make use of this site, and of cockatrice (google it) to learn what you want your deck to do FIRST. BEFORE investing in going a certain way.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
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Re: First Deck Build Attempt (Dimir)

Thanks for the feedback. I was attempting to build a deck (with what I had), that would allow me to make an opponent churn through a bunch of their deck, while at the same time, making some of my main attackers more powerful. That's why I chose wight of precinct six and consuming aberration and some of my instant and sorceries. I guess my enchantments are sort of rubbish for what I want to do. Perhaps removing them and put a few more blues in to buff up sage's row denizen?

I have some of the other color cards as well, but I chose the Dimir intro deck at random to learn the game, and I figured I'd try to upgrade it a little bit and have something somewhat viable to play now and again. I really don't want to spend hours researching the perfect card, I really want to try to build something out of what I have.  I also have a wrack and rage deck from RTR. Would I be better off trying to upgrade that? It's a pretty fast aggro deck that is kinda fun too.

I'm not looking to take FNM by storm, or buying my way to a podium, I mainly want to just have fun and be social while not totally rolling over every time. I hope to at least make my opponents wins somewhat painful. I think a lot of the events I plan on going to will be booster drafts as those are very level playing fields. To be honest, the lack of a true level playing field is what kept me from playing magic a long time ago. I'm not interested in a cardboard bankroll, I just really enjoy games, and the social aspect of this kind of game. Also, I was an avid baseball/basketball card collector as a kid, so I LOVE the sound and feel of opening up a pack of cards, and feeding them slide by one another when I look at them.  I know, weird. It's only missing the stale gum smell and taste.

Thanks again,

Re: First Deck Build Attempt (Dimir)

If you're looking into Sage's Row Denizen, I would suggest looking at running 4x Faerie Impostor.  If you have two (one in play and one in hand) with the Denizen out, they turn into a mill engine of their own "U: cast Impostor, unsummon impostor, opponent mills two."  It's an easy to disrupt circle, but it could be fun if you ever get it off the ground (toss an aberration onto the field and you're milling for a LOT).

From a competitive standpoint, milling is among the hardest things to do - given that you're making your job three times harder than it is originally.  It's a ton of fun if you get it to work, but it's unlikely and is particularly frustrating as you'll end up losing more games than not.

In terms of making a moderately competitive build, depending on the format, costs can range pretty wildly.  I last saw someone rocking a pretty cheap enchantment build using Ethereal Armor and mostly commons/uncommons.  If you were to go G/W you can likely put something together that would put the pressure on (and win matches here and there) for somewhere around $50-100, even cheaper if you're not worried about the dual lands.

Sealed deck is often times the best way to go, but it can be a bummer to never play with the cards you've been collecting.

Good luck whichever way you decide do take things, and remember, we're here to help with any ideas you might have.

Re: First Deck Build Attempt (Dimir)

Thanks for the tips and ideas gang! I"ll give this deck a try or two and see how much I like the milling idea. Worst case scenario is I don't, and I try something different. smile