Topic: I need your Zombies for my horde

So I need 53 Zombie token cards, and 5 Zombie giant token cards and a plethera of black cards i added to my wishlist. this is my new attempt to build a horde deck and need all your help to get it complete, shoot me a offer if you think you can help me  awesome thanks for all your time

~Merecedes Benz - The Best or Nothing~
~Life is a highway, Im gunna pave it all day long~

Re: I need your Zombies for my horde

Come one people I only need 22 zombie tokens and 5 zombie giant tokens still come on people send me requests

~Merecedes Benz - The Best or Nothing~
~Life is a highway, Im gunna pave it all day long~

Re: I need your Zombies for my horde

only need 3 more zombie tokens and 1 more zombie giant token , still need help with both the horde and survival decks as well and thx to those that have been helping

~Merecedes Benz - The Best or Nothing~
~Life is a highway, Im gunna pave it all day long~

Re: I need your Zombies for my horde

I have some stuff on your wishlist and zombie tokens also.

Re: I need your Zombies for my horde

i got plenty of what you need, and tokens as well