Topic: How would you mark altered cards in the database

Like the title says, how would you marked altered cards in the data base, I have a painted canceled I need to add and I'm looking into getting into card altering myself.

Re: How would you mark altered cards in the database

I was hoping someone else would hop in on this one, but here goes...

At this time, there is no specific way to mark cards as altered in the system.  Some traders use current options, and add notes to their profile to specify what they use.  For example, one trader might set the language to French and set the Promo and Textless tags to mark those that are alters.  Then that trader would list something like this in his/her profile: "Altered cards are marked French, Textless, Promo in my inventory/tradelist."

Another option would be to create a deck that contains all of your altered cards.  Then post the link to the deck in your profile (and, if desired, in your signature).

There's a possibility that an "altered" tag might be added in the future, but that will be up to Sebi.

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