Topic: R/W Boros Stuffy Death (Standard)

Greetings. First, thanks for the help on my Simic deck. Looking forward to playing it this weekend. I'm back with another favor. This deck: is one that I am trying to put together. Hopefully a unique twist on the Reckoner abilities. The intent is to have multiple ways to do a crap ton of damage in a short period of time. I just need to whittle it down. With the speed of decks today, ideally, I would get out of a fast start w/ the 1, 2 and 3 drops and then be able to throw down a stuffy doll before throwing down a blasphemous act and dual casting it.

Essentially, would like to win the short game, stall through the mid game and drop a mean hammer in the end. What's the best way to draw this deck down to 60 cards without losing it's identity or intermediate game...? Thanks for the assistance and have a great day!

Re: R/W Boros Stuffy Death (Standard)

Are you looking to keep this deck legal for Standard?

OK -- nevermind.  I see the answer in your title that this should stay Standard.  You could have run Mogg Maniac and Kor Chant if you were just looking for a fun casual deck.

Last edited by psrex (2013-03-06 20:23:59)

Re: R/W Boros Stuffy Death (Standard)

Yea, i'm wanting to keep this standard for right now. Really would like it to be competitive as well... I know the gimmick may make it tough to bring up to competitive standards but if y'all have any ideas, i'd really love it. The sideboard is also a wreck right now...

Re: R/W Boros Stuffy Death (Standard)

I've been tinkering with a R/G Stuffy doll deck:

I'm messing with the Lobber Crew as a means to both bide the mid game, and also start that really annoying "tap for one damage" thing that the Doll does oh so well.

Re: R/W Boros Stuffy Death (Standard)

I forgot to mention that I'm using Into the Maw of Hell as a sideboard alternate to the Blasphemous Act. It's not nearly as nice, but carries the same effect against someone with a Boros Reckoner sitting out there.

Re: R/W Boros Stuffy Death (Standard)

Yea i have the same hanging out in mine... My main focus is getting the Stuffy or Reckoner down... Just played against my Simic deck and it may be that it's a work of art or the cards missing from my Boros deck will just help that much but... Dang. My Simic control deck is mean. sad

Re: R/W Boros Stuffy Death (Standard)

Here's an article from today on StarCity talking about a UR Stuffy Doll deck for Standard: … -Doll.html

Maybe this will give you some ideas.

Re: R/W Boros Stuffy Death (Standard)

Honestly, I think this deck is best played by running B/W/R. You run Lingering Souls, Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Boros Reckoner, and Blasphemous Act. Lots of removal, maybe Vampire Nighthawk to stall the board with Reckoner.