Topic: Helping a friend getting into MTGO

I have a friend that really has no time to play paper magic and wants to get into MTGO. Problem is neither he or I really know much about it. I play paper and never even thought of getting into MTGO (I spend so much for paper, not gonna do the same for digital cards). I'll be posting cards of his soon and have some questions that I hope you guys can help me with...

-How much are MTGO tickets?
-how do you transfer them?

-If a trade was to happen where paper cards for trade for MTGO tickets, how does the transaction go from  "accepted" to "mailed" Would it be a situation where you transfer after you've received the card? or you transfer and I "mail on the same day"

-What happens if you transfer an MTGO ticket, and for some reason it doesn't work and you've received the card or I've already mailed them

Here are a few foils he gave me to get the ball rolling...

Overgrown Tomb (Ravnica: City of Guilds)
Jace, Memory Adept (M13)
Ash Zealot
Aurelia's Fury
Skarrg Goliath
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

Also if you want anything from my trade list for MTGO tickets, please feel free to open up a trade.

Thank you for your time in reading this and your feedback. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll have a crap load of new traders available.

Re: Helping a friend getting into MTGO

Hey, I'm moving my collection from paper to MODO so I can answer this.

- Tickets are $1.00 each from the official store, or you can buy them in bulk from eBay and other private sellers for a few cents less per ticket. If you're buying a lot, it adds up.

- You transfer them by starting a trade through the MTGO client. Right click on someone's name and select Trade, then they just take the cards they want from your inventory. Nothing happens until you both confirm.

- When accepting tickets, my trade partner usually marks their half as Sent when we make the exchange, and I mark it as Received. I then mail out their cards with the next shipment. It's just like taking Paypal, in that respect.

- I've never even heard of that happening.

See you online! Add me at LootPinata.