Topic: B/R vampires Deck Looking for feedback

I would appreciate anyones thoughts on this deck took me a while to get it to this point.

Re: B/R vampires Deck Looking for feedback

In my opinion, the deck is a little scattered (too many one-offs) to be a serious competitor, but you do have a good start with your Stromkirk Noble, Stromkirk Captain, and Vampire Nighthawk.  I'd seriously consider Markov Blademaster, especially since it will get one +1/+1 counter for each hit on an opponent--that's one after the first strike damage step, and then one after the regular damage step.

Have you considered Blood Artist? Get a couple of those on the field and every dying creature means you go up two and your opponent goes down two.  Add a little burn and that can tip the scales in your favor very quickly.

You are already running Blood Crypts and Dragonskull Summits, even if only x3, so I would drop the gates.  Once you have that first mountain or swamp on the field, Dragonskull Summit comes into play untapped, and with the Blood Crypt you have the option of paying two life to have it untapped.  With the gates, you are simply stuck waiting until the next turn.

I don't know how the meta game plays out in your area, but around here it is too fast to rely on anything bigger than a four-drop, and even those can be tough to get into play.  Personally, I play vampire aggro and top my curve out at three. If you do that, you won't need to replace those gates, as 21 should be plenty land.  Of course, if you can pick up two or three Cavern of Souls, they will guarantee that your vampires hit the battlefield.

I'd try to narrow down the other spells you are using as well.  Work in sets of three or four of the cards you like, and go from there.  Have some instant-speed burn/removal

I noticed you don't have a sideboard set up yet.  Some I've included have been Mizzium Mortars (useful against those white weenies and other token generators), Volcanic Strength (give a creature +2/+2 and mountainwalk), and Traitorous BloodContaminated Ground is another I've used a lot lately, especially when my opponent is playing anything non-black. Once you know what you typically see at your LGS, you'll be able to make some changes to reflect what's happening there.

Good luck, and let us know how you tweak things!

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Black and Blue--not just for bruises anymore.