Topic: W: 1 Blinkmoth Nexus H: Jace Memory Adept, a couple shocks and duals

Just looking for one more Blinkmoth Nexus to finish up my modern Affinity deck, Have Jace Memory Adepts (2) and a Blood crypt, Hallowed Fountain, Woodland Cemetery, and Hinterland Harbor. As well as other assorted goodies.

Re: W: 1 Blinkmoth Nexus H: Jace Memory Adept, a couple shocks and duals


Re: W: 1 Blinkmoth Nexus H: Jace Memory Adept, a couple shocks and duals

Just posted a trade offer for your Blinkmoth Nexus request.

Re: W: 1 Blinkmoth Nexus H: Jace Memory Adept, a couple shocks and duals

Not really related to your post, but I'm interested in your Deathrite. Let me know if you see anything!

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