Topic: B/W Spiteful Scavengers-casual-sugestions please

First i am wondering if this is going too many directions to be effective. Next I would like sugestions for lands other than basic lands (I would need to buy/trade them probably). My main goal with this deck was to get the combo Barren Gloryand Kaervek's Spite working together. From there, I was just looking for some fun. I have yet to try this deck out as well. Any sugestions would be greatful.
Thank you!

Last edited by mattmcc (2013-03-29 00:15:06)

Re: B/W Spiteful Scavengers-casual-sugestions please

Hmm, not sure how those cards are going to be able to work together.  You have to have the enchantment in play for its ability to trigger and win you the game, but the Spite will sacrifice the Barren GLory.  I guess you could tap 9 mana total and play the Spite first then the Barren Glory.
Maybe you could keep the Spite in the deck as a last ditch attempt to kill the opponent but use other cards to achieve your Barren Glory victory.  Zuran Orb lets your sac lands and is still pretty cheap.  Add some Wrath of God's to clear the board and your own creatures.  Then some Disenchant to destroy your Zuran Orb?
You could fill the rest of the deck with walls or Holy Day or Pacifism, etc.  Stall them out until you can play your Barren Glory and sac your lands to the orb, then Disenchant it on the end of their turn?
...  WIN!!


Re: B/W Spiteful Scavengers-casual-sugestions please

it is possible. best case scenario is having Kaervek's Spite in hand and the ability to scry AND draw. when you know it is coming, force yourself to draw and STACK Kaervek's Spite on the pile. You would also have to have the mana in your pool to pull this off. BUT without a link to a deck, can't assist much with it

Re: B/W Spiteful Scavengers-casual-sugestions please

Admonition Angel would work...drop a land to exile Barren Glory, then cast Kaervek's Spite afterward.  Everything will be sacrificed to the Spite, and Barren Glory will return as Admonition Angel dies. Oblivion Ring is a cheaper option to do the same thing.  Your basic strategy should be to stall the opposition long enough to get everything you need in play.  The Angel has the bonus of being landfall-based removal, so after exiling Barren Glory, you can still use it to get rid of problem permanents your opponent controls (just don't exile anything aside from Barren Glory from your side of the battlefield).  As for lands, since both spells require more than one colored mana each, make sure you're running plenty of dual lands, or cards that can filter mana for you (personally I like Chromatic Sphere for the card draw, but there's plenty of other options as well...go with what suits you best).  One well-placed Dark Ritual will also be able to trigger the Spite as well, so I'd include at least a couple of those as well, just in case.  Also, throw some Tutors in as well, be it Demonic, Vampiric, or whatever...getting what you need when you need it is essential, assuming they would be an option for you (restricted in Vintage, banned in all other formats).  Barring that, anything to either draw cards or shorten the deck will help.  Fetch lands can help trim the deck down to the essentials, Land Tax can be used for the same purpose...even if you don't need the lands, it thins the deck out so you get something a bit more useful to you in your draw step (conveniently, you draw after your upkeep, so it'd be your deck minus three lands).  Scroll Rack may be another viable option.

If I were running a similar deck, I'd try using this as a core for the deck.

4x Admonition Angel
4x Barren Glory
4x Kaervek's Spite
4x Dark Ritual
4x Land Tax
4x Oblivion Ring
4x Enlightened Tutor

I'd fill the list with low cost creatures to help defend until you are set up fully for the win, maybe some life gain (especially recurring life gain) to keep you alive, and a bit of mana ramp and/or card draw.  For the lands, assuming you build the deck heavily as white with a splash of black, I'd keep it geared more heavily toward white, but with enough black to get the Spites out.  Really, it could be all white save for three swamps and you'd be golden, because as soon as land tax triggers, you could pull your three swamps to your hand and go from there.

I hope this helps to at least give you a starting point for the deck.  I'm actually kind of looking forward to seeing what you come up with smile

Re: B/W Spiteful Scavengers-casual-sugestions please

yes that is a great starting point....and thanks everyone for the advice/help! smile

Re: B/W Spiteful Scavengers-casual-sugestions please

This is what I came up with for a starting point. I am going to try it out tomorrow with a friend before i decide that this is what i want to run with.

Thanks agian for the help!

Re: B/W Spiteful Scavengers-casual-sugestions please

Yeah, it's looking good to me so far.  You'll definitely need to play a few games to see what works and what doesn't, as well as what issues the deck might have.  Keep us posted with how it works out smile

Re: B/W Spiteful Scavengers-casual-sugestions please

Well, I am defianately going to have to rework the deck. went 0-11 with it and never lived past turn 5. I will have to rethink my aproach all together i think. Mabe more defensive creatures or mabe more creatures overall.

Re: B/W Spiteful Scavengers-casual-sugestions please

Well, looking it over, if you're dying by turn 5, you either need defense or a way to ramp your mana.  My first suggestion would be to add four Isolated Chapel to the mix to help with the colored mana requirements.  Soul's Attendant, Soul Warden or Tundra Wolves.  First Strike will keep the Wolves alive when it blocks another weenie, and the Warden/Attendant provide life gain, helping you stay alive a bit longer.  Gold Myr is a two-drop that can help you ramp your white mana, and Star Compass can help with both colors.  Oath of Lieges might help, but it works for your opponent too, so it might not be the best choice (just figured I'd mention it). 

Looking it over though, I'm wondering if including black at all is really the way to go.  There are far better options to make this a mono-white deck so you can ramp up to the six mana required to cast Barren Glory, especially since you could always use a Panoptic Mirror to cast the Spites.  The biggest issue I see is getting the Spites in hand in order to imprint it, but something like Scroll Rack could help with that issue.  Not sure whether it's the right way to take it, but it's something to consider anyway.

Anyway, focus on increasing your mana production, and go from there.  If you want to keep it black/white, the Isolated Chapels are a must, especially if Scrubland is out of your budget.  I think the deck is sound in principle, it's just solving the issues presented.

Step 1: More mana production.
Step 2: Better creatures...the one-drops you put in don't suit the deck.
Step 3: Figure out what can be cut to accommodate the alterations.