Topic: Feature Request - last online

My apologies if this has already been suggested-

When I search for a card and I see the list of people who have that card for trade it would be nice if there was a column on that list that showed when that trader was last online. I know that if I go to their profile it will show it but that means I have to look at every single profile to find someone who has at least been on the site withing the last week. More often I find that most of the users have not been online since last year.

This would make it quicker to find someone to trade with.



Re: Feature Request - last online

There is an update in the works to redo the trade interface to support this type of functionality.  It will hopefully be released sometime in the near future, whenever the crew can get it all worked out.

Re: Feature Request - last online

Thanks, that will make searching for would be trade parteners easier.