Topic: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga

Title says it. Let me know if you're interested!

Last edited by buughost (2013-04-21 20:13:13)

Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga

Presumably "Want To Trade"?

Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga

Paul_K wrote:

What does WTT stand for?  World Trade Towers...

As far as I know it's from WoW and stands for Want to least that's how I used it when I played WoW xP

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Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga

What's the condition on the Tundra?  I've got two NM Taiga's sitting around.

Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga

Tundra is very lightly played, almost NM but I don't want to over-estimate and have someone be upset.

Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga

I'd probably do a Plateau and your choice of Badlands or Taiga.

Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga

I mean I'd prefer Badlands/Taiga, but I'll consider the plateau combo.

Only thing that is totally out is Plateau/Plateau

and yes btw, WTT = Want To Trade

Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga

I'm in no rush, so if you want to hold out for Badlands + Taiga, I can understand.  I should be able to match whatever condition your Tundra is in.

Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga

I could do Badlands + Plateau


Badlands + Savannah OR Bayou if you don't mind taking a Badlands with a tiny tear. It's legit small and the rest of the card is in good shape. Can send scans if you're interested.

Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga


Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga

Are interested in an Unlimited Taiga? I'd like the Tundra. I also have a couple of Revised Taigas as well.

Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga

Sure let's chat

Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga


Re: WTT Tundra -> Plateau/Taiga
