Topic: Temporal Mastery

Is this card going to drop down in price to like 2-3 dollars? Does anyone even play this card? I want to get a playset because i enjoy building around potentially powerful cards that aren't used a lot but am i missing something of why this is at like 6-7 dollars? I could be wrong and it see's play in a different format or something but i'm just curious as to what people think will happen to this card

Re: Temporal Mastery

Any extra-turn items are always sought after.  But more importantly, Temporal Mastery sees a fair amount of play in modern TRON decks and in other formats, keeping it's value high.  Remember that just because it's standard legal, it might not have been designed with standard in mind.

Re: Temporal Mastery

It's pretty much Time Warp with a higher mana cost that has Miracle to offset it.  I actually think it's a bit better in that regard, since Miracle could be used in conjunction with Scry effects (or various tutors) to make sure it's the first card drawn on a turn.  At worst I see it hanging around Time Warp's price.

Last edited by the_wizard_666 (2013-04-25 05:06:18)

Re: Temporal Mastery

Temporal Mastery can be less expensive to cast, but it can't be recurred, which is a huge downside.  Time Warp can give you infinite turns (or several turns in a row) purely through cards that you'd normally run in your deck anyway, like Eternal Witness and Regrowth.

Although, one major advantage Temporal Mastery has over its counterpart is that it doesn't target a player.

Re: Temporal Mastery

A Panoptic Mirror is another viable option for Temporal Mastery.  I have a friend who runs that with a Time Warp...if he knew about a similar card that he could put in that deck to give him more chances to pull the combo off, he'd take it in a heartbeat...just saying (for no real reason).