Topic: Can we please stay logged in on multiple machines?

I always check "Remember me" but it seems like every time I log in on my laptop, I become logged out of my desktop, and vice versa.

I understand the security viewpoint but perhaps there's a middle ground.

Re: Can we please stay logged in on multiple machines?

I seem to not be able to keep proper cookies to 'Remember Me' on my laptop alone.

Chrome Version 26.0.1410.64 m, cookies enabled.

Re: Can we please stay logged in on multiple machines?

I haven't ever really had any issues.  I seem to stay logged in on my Mac laptop w/ Chrom, and my Android phone, and my wife's Windows 7 laptop w/ Firefox all at once.

Re: Can we please stay logged in on multiple machines?

Maybe ISP then? I am using Verizon FIOS; also does not save login via mobile network on Sprint.

Last edited by Kyrs (2013-05-01 17:12:41)

Re: Can we please stay logged in on multiple machines?

Then maybe it's just the network or IP? I use my laptop at school and home and my desktop obviously only at home, so that could be it.

EDIT: Okay, I was just logged in on my laptop at school, then came home and I'm still logged in on both my desktop and my laptop. So I'm not sure what the hell it is. But I definitely get logged out on both these machines once in a while, so something's going on.

Last edited by beo (2013-05-01 21:59:25)