Topic: what is rarity of "special"

what does this mean exactly?

Re: what is rarity of "special"

It is for all of the Time Shifted cards and other alternate border style cards.  Here is the Gatherer results for all "Special" cards.|[S]

(Can't make it a link because of the brackets)

It's kind of misleading since it doesn't really denote "Rarity", but that is what Gatherer specifies.

Re: what is rarity of "special"

NullParameter wrote:

It is for all of the Time Shifted cards and other alternate border style cards.  Here is the Gatherer results for all "Special" cards.|[S]

(Can't make it a link because of the brackets)

It's kind of misleading since it doesn't really denote "Rarity", but that is what Gatherer specifies.

Here's a link: … y=|%5BS%5D

You've just gotta change '[' and ']' to '%5B' and '%5D' respectively.

Re: what is rarity of "special"

beo wrote:

Here's a link: … y=|%5BS%5D

You've just gotta change '[' and ']' to '%5B' and '%5D' respectively.

Yep, I just didn't feel like encoding it, so this was easier.  If it had been something I knew off the top of my head, like %20, then I would have been all over it. big_smile