Topic: W: Random small things: Corpsejack, Niv Mizzet, Howling Mine, Pod, etc


Birthing Pod
Skullbriar, the Walking Grave
Parallel Lives
Corpsejack Menace
Niv Mizzet, Dracogenius
Ready \\ Willing
Howling Mind (Commander/M10/X)
Sisters of stone Death
Boartusk Liege
Body Double
Hornet Queen x2
Spitting Image
Trygon Predator
Prophetic Bolt
Fact or Fiction
Invoke the Firemind
Rite of Replication

more on wishlist

Last edited by Almundjoy (2013-05-16 13:41:25)

Re: W: Random small things: Corpsejack, Niv Mizzet, Howling Mine, Pod, etc


Re: W: Random small things: Corpsejack, Niv Mizzet, Howling Mine, Pod, etc

I know it's likely a longshot but I seem to have a handful of things from your wishlist and I'd be interested in trading up for a fetchland or a dual. Let me know. Thanks!